Marc von Martial
Selbstständig, Grafik-Designer, graphic design marc von martial
Siegburg, Germany
Professional experience for Marc von Martial
Current 11 years and 10 months, since 2013
Profilkurse "Fotografie" Landesprogramm NRW Kultur und Schule
marc von martial . photography . fineartsLeitung des Profilkurses "Fotografie" (jährlich wechselnde Themen) als Künstler im Rahmen des Landesprogramm NRW Kultur und Schule.
Current 13 years and 10 months, since 2011
marc von martial . photography . finearts
6 months, Aug 2014 - Jan 2015
Vertretungslehrer Kunst
Marie-Kahle-Gesamtschule Bonn
Vertretungslehrer Kunst Sek.I
9 years and 7 months, May 2003 - Nov 2012
freier Art Director, Senior Artist
Matrix Games
Director of Arts and Production, Senior Artist. Responsible for PC games artwork (2D/3D). Responsible for box art / cover design, logo art design, manual layout, intro movies, merchandise and promotional artwork.
4 years and 8 months, Oct 1998 - May 2003
Projekt Assistent (GIS / CAD / Multimedia)
Kühn Geoconsulting GmbHProject Assistant GIS, Webmaster. Responsible for website design, content and updates. Creating project multimedia presentations and Intranet tools with Macromedia Director. Overall graphics work and assisting in 3D modeling (textures and data verification), creating 2D maps of 3D models.
3 months, Jul 2000 - Sep 2000
Web Designer
Itenos GmbH
Web designer. Responsible for new site design.
4 years and 7 months, Apr 1994 - Oct 1998
studentische Aushilfskraft & Bohrhelfer
Kühn Geoconsulting GmbHAssistant in geotechnical engineering field teams. Probe drilling for construction planning and locating toxics / contaminations in soil.
Educational background for Marc von Martial
Geographie / Sozialwissenschaften
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
First language