Marcel Eichner
Professional experience for Marcel Eichner
- Current 2 years and 9 months, since Jun 2022
Senior Fullstack Developer
Concepting, consulting and development of different web based microservices, libraries and APIs.
Frontend-Development and Migration Strategies in Vue and Ionic 4.
- 3 months, Sep 2018 - Nov 2018
Backend Developer JavaScript
Supporting the backend development team with my expertise in nodejs and rest-api development.
Creating, Supporting, Refactoring for some of the recent projects with angular, ionic and node.js development
Team lead position frontend web application development team as well as consulting and directing the javascript application to new possibilities.
- 1 year, Jul 2016 - Jun 2017
Senior Web Developer
Prototype development for a angular based personality test and integration of additional assets delivered by specialists as well as prototypal wordpress setup for a guided multi step survey and later analysis tools
- 6 months, Sep 2016 - Feb 2017
DB BahnPark GmbH
AngularJS Web-Application development with typical CRUD actions which consumes a REST-Service and authenticates with OAuth2. Used by Continuous Deployment, Test Driven Development.
- 1 year and 1 month, Aug 2015 - Aug 2016
Web Application Developer
Visono GmbH
Developing a complete media asset management solution from ground up in angular. Services which consume O-Auth2 REST API. Unit-Tests and Continuous Integration.
Konzeption, Entwicklung, Projektmanagement, Betrieb einer umfangreichen Online-Softwarelösung für Hotelier-Branche.
- 3 years and 11 months, Oct 2011 - Aug 2015
CEO, Entwickler
Co-Founded the full-stack development, consulting and quality assurance company which provided PHP, node.js and front-end support for a wide range of companies from Berlin proving our agile and technology driven approach.
JavaScript & PHP Development for the completely new Wordpress-driven website of one of the largest daily newspapers from germany. I was responsible for developing, testing and integrating the new design as responsive, Wordpress-templates and a lot of javascript components. Some of these components a live-ticker module which worked similar to the twitter-timeline, a map which showed the articles located in berlin and a flexible slideshow module. All these modules where 100% tested with Mocha & PhantomJS.
- 3 years and 3 months, Nov 2009 - Jan 2013
Frontend-Entwickler / PHP-Entwickler
Berliner Gazette
Migration der legacy CMS auf Wordpress, Gestaltung & Umsetzung Wordpress Theme, Anpassung und Erweiterungen durch entwickelte Extensions.
- 5 months, Jul 2012 - Nov 2012
Trademob GmbH
Joined the Development Team supporting the javascript client and backend development including technical concepts and also click dummy.
- 2 years and 7 months, Jun 2009 - Dec 2011
Leitung der Redaktion, Projektmanagement, Gewinnspiele, Marketing, Back- und Frontendentwicklung mit eigenem Redaktionssystem (Harrison), SEO
- 6 months, May 2011 - Oct 2011
Development of different responsive, full page templates from client provided designs in HTML and SASS/CSS.
Educational background for Marcel Eichner
- 2 years and 1 month, Apr 2003 - Apr 2005
Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, FHTW
First language
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