Marcus Huith
Professional experience for Marcus Huith
- Current 6 years and 10 months, since May 20184SELLERS GmbH
Product Design Director · Digital Transformation
UX-Konzepte | User Interface Design | Wireframing | Prototyping | Design System Creation | Inbound-Marketing | Figma | Adobe Creative Suite | Hubspot
- Current 22 years and 6 months, since Sep 2002
Webdesign & Development
NETZVISIONEN - Digitale Medien
Digitales Design mit dem Fokus auf Usability und Accessibility | Responsive- und Mobile-Webdesign | (X)HTML | CSS | Logo-Design | Corporate Design | Wordpress | Joomla | Design von Druckprodukten (Briefpapier, Flyer, Plakate, Visitenkarten, ...)
Team-Lead | Requirements-Workshops | Usability Konzepte | Project Planning | Project Management
- 3 years and 11 months, Aug 2011 - Jun 2015
4SELLERS | logic-base GmbH
(X)HTML | CSS | Responsive Webdesign | Photoshop | Illustrator | Visual Studio | Usability-Optimierung | SEO-friendly Markup
Conversion-Optimierung | Marketing Landingpages | E-Mail-Marketing | Marketing-Kampagnen | Social Media Design | Affiliate Marketing | Frontend-Design für Intershop Enfinity Shopsystem
- 4 months, Nov 2008 - Feb 2009
mission eRelations AG
Gestaltungskonzepte für Newsletter- und Landingpages | Werbemittel-Design
- 3 years and 9 months, Feb 2005 - Oct 2008
Newletter-Design | Landingpage-Design | Frontend-Design für branded Webshops von Acronis, Adobe, Corel, F-Secure, Lexware, Microsoft, Nuance Dragon, SUSE Linux, Symantec
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