Marius Hasenheit
Professional experience for Marius Hasenheit
Mitglied bin ich bereits seit Februar 2018. Im April 2021 wurde ich in den Vorstand gewählt.
- Current 4 years and 2 months, since Jan 2021
GSP eG Genossenschaft selbstverwalteter Projekte
The slogan is Public Affairs for Social Change. Because there are not enough experts who want to make a difference for those who need it most. Several things have to come together to bring about social change: Policy knowledge, strategic skills, commandment of digital and conventional campaigning tactics and an effective contact network.
Ich bin von Anfang an Teil des transform Magazins und kümmere mich um Artikel (Print und Web, Schreiben und Redigieren), Networking und die Organisation der Crowdfunding-Kampagne, die Präsenz in den sozialen Medien usw.
- Current 10 years and 9 months, since Jun 2014
Süddeutsche Zeitung, der Freitag, Wirtschaftswoche Green Economy etc.
- 5 years and 9 months, Apr 2014 - Dec 2019
Ecologic Institute
I am working as a Junior Researcher on Green/Circular Economy, Transformation, Sustainability in policy making on a national and European level - in the moment with a focus on Green Economy Indicators. (Before I worked as an intern and wrote my thesis at Ecologic Institute.) Ecologic Institute is a private not-for-profit think tank for applied environmental research, policy analysis and consultancy with offices in Berlin, Brussels and Vienna in the EU, and Washington DC and San Mateo, CA in the US.
- 8 months, Apr 2016 - Nov 2016
- 1 year and 5 months, Jul 2015 - Nov 2016
Online Editor
I was collecting data for a project dealing with Ecosystem Services.
- 3 months, Feb 2013 - Apr 2013
Junior Researcher
seeconsult GmbH
Within my internship I was working on the FP7 project CATALYST (which gives stakeholder, scientists & practitioners the possibility to exchange, find research gaps and best practises regarding to climate change adaptation strategies & disaster risk reduction.
- 3 months, Apr 2012 - Jun 2012
Sany y Salvo
During that internship I was working for an eco cooperative in the head office and executing parts.
- 2 months, Jun 2007 - Jul 2007
Roquette Klötze GmbH & Co. KG
Educational background for Marius Hasenheit
- 2 years and 4 months, Oct 2012 - Jan 2015
Global Change Ecology
Universität Bayreuth
Sustainability, Climate Change (incl. Adaption & Mitigation), Remote Sensing, Ecosystem Services
- 3 years and 5 months, Oct 2008 - Feb 2012
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Limnology, Hydrology, Math, Geology, Biology, Bio-Geo-Interactions
First language
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