Mark Lindhout
Professional experience for Mark Lindhout
- Current 12 years and 1 month, since Jan 2013
Senior Software Engineer (Freelance)
M.P. Lindhout
As a freelancer, I help companies find solutions through technology — High-performing CI/CD pipelines for quality assurance and deployment are my specialty.
At Univention I help the development department to get up and running with automated testing on the OpenStack platform. I analyze, rebuild, and develop compliant CI/CD processes for Linux builds, tests, and deployments. Skills: OpenStack · Gitlab CI · Python (Programming Language) · DevOps · Ansible · Gitlab
At Univention I help the Sovereign Workplace team to set up solid Agile processes. I also create reliable, compliant CI/CD processes for Python, Java, and Docker builds, tests, and deployments.At Univention I help the Sovereign Workplace team to set up solid Agile processes. I also create reliable, compliant CI/CD processes for Python, Java, and Docker builds, tests, and deployments. Skills: CI · Gitlab CI · Python (Programming Language) · Docker · Scrum · Agile · Node.js · Git · Gitlab
- 6 months, Apr 2022 - Sep 2022
Lead Software Engineer
Bitly Europe GmbH
At Bitly Europe I support a team by bringing my engineering seniority into the mix. I help decide technical strategy and handle complex implementations. An important task is the development of architectural concepts, which bring the company to the next level in a time of strong growth. Skills used: Docker , GIT , GitHub , GitHub Actions , Stripe , AWS , APIs , Node.js , Vue.js , Typescript , PHP , Go
At Phoenix Contact I develop, maintain, and run a Django web application. I develop the front-end using Vue.js, Parcel, SCSS, NPM, Node.js, and various flavors of modern ECMA-Script, and develop parts of the back-end using Python, Django, which runs on a Linux server using Apache and Docker. This all is tested, deployed, and connected using GitLab, GitLab CI, and a helping of Ansible. Skills used: Django , Ansible , Python , Linux , CD , CI , Node.js , Vue.js , GitLab , GitLab CI , Docker , Python
I returned to Europace to help out a small team in developing a Node.js-based cloud application. Working with all kinds of AWS services, GitHub and all its many features, and using a modern, Typescript-based stack with CDK for cloud deployments. Skills used: Linux, CD, CI, Node.js, JavaScript, Typescript, CDK, GitHub, GitHub Actions, AWS, Lambda, Cloudformation, Cloudwatch, DynamoDB, S3, CDK, Docker.
- 7 months, Nov 2019 - May 2020
DevOps-Engineer & Senior Software-Developer (Freelance)
Agency Software
For this project, I set up a web application from scratch, including data imports, installation, and deployments. I built DevOps tooling to reliably deploy and install the application, as well as provision the servers it is running on. The application itself is based on the Node.js framework Sails.js. I worked on this development of an API-based web application, used for warehouse and order management at large distributors of promotional materials. Core skills: Linux, Ansible, GitHub, Node.js, Vue.js;
Technologies used: LXD, LXC, Docker, Rocket, rkt, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos, Ansible, Python, Linux, Vagrant, Shell, Virtualbox. In this project at Europace AG, I work with the Solutions team to improve the setup and roll-out of their microservices. I help them optimize and improve their workflow, and to make their service delivery more robust and reliable.
Technologies used: Ansible, Docker, AWS, Continuous Integration (CI), Teamcity, Git, Bash, XML, Maven, Linux. At Europace I work with the local build-pipeline heroes to improve, optimize, and modularize their CI-pipelines. I help implement Gitflow as a development strategy, and collect and spread knowledge about development, best practices, optimization, and other CI-related subjects.
At the Bundesdruckerei I develop user interfaces for applications that do not have one yet. I use various wireframing and design tools. The applications are implemented using various common front-end technologies. Technologies: Object-Oriented Vanilla JavaScript, WebSockets, Browser Extensions, Python, Bash, GIT, SSL, FFMPEG video encoding and video transcoding, wireframing, UI design.
- 6 months, Feb 2018 - Jul 2018
Senior JavaScript Developer (Freelance)
Nowtilus Onlinevertriebsgesellschaft mbH
Development of the Nemo Bridge application, its deployment work-flows, and the implementation of a continuous integration and continuous deployment setup. Nemo Bridge is used to manage media-, metadata- and transcoding-services that deliver live TV streams, video-on-demand and video advertisements. Technologies: Node.js, Ansible, SSH, Git, Linux, FFMpeg, GPAC, APIs, JSON, REST.
I’ve developed several JavaScript libraries for Aklamio’s white-label referral portals. These libraries communicate with in-house Ruby APIs, and offer advertisers users registration, login, and user-to-user recommendations. The content management part of this application has been developed using WordPress. At Aklamio I have also developed the Cashbar browser extension for Chrome and Firefox browsers. This extension allows recommendations, logins, and account registration from within your web browser.
- 3 months, Aug 2016 - Oct 2016
Front-End Developer (Freelance)
Publicis Pixelpark
At Pixelpark I work on front-end projects within a team of designers, back-end developers and quality assurance engineers. Technologies used: GIT, Bash, Debian, Virtualbox, Vagrant, Javascript, jQuery, Node.js, Gulp, PostCSS, CSS3, HTML5.
- 1 month, Aug 2016 - Aug 2016aklamio GmbH
Optimization for Varnish, NginX, and Front-End code (Freelance)
For Aklamio, I analyzed the web stack and reported issues and solutions. I reported practical performance solutions for Varnish Cache and NginX, but also for improved JavaScript performance in Aklamio’s widely-used social widget. A combination of improved cache configuration, better web stack performance and improvements to the client-side code will greatly extend the lifetime of the application as well as the hardware it’s running on. It will save bandwidth, power, and reduce client-side requirements.
At the SFP I currently work on creating, testing and maintaining the developer workflow for WordPress-based sites. This workflow is based on Ansible, and is used in Continuous Integration (CI) servers for deploying WordPress-based sites, maintaining server integrity, and handling access control, load balancing, etc. Technologies used for this project: Ansible, Varnish, Nginx, WordPress, GIT, PHP, Node.js.
At SFP I developed several WordPress plug-ins that are actively being used on their Intranet. These plug-ins hooked into a SOAP webservice and performed various verification actions to ensure high data quality. A special focus in these projects was digital security and data protection. Technologies used for this project: WordPress, PHP, Javascript, Grunt, JPM, NPM, GIT.
For Aklamio I completely re-developed their existing browser-extension for the Chrome and Firefox platforms. I rebuilt their workflow, so that they can now do updates and fixes, test in target browser, and have a working browser extension in minutes. All completely automated. Technologies used for this project: Javascript, Grunt, JPM, NPM, Firefox, Chrome, jQuery, URI.js, GIT.
- 1 year, Aug 2014 - Jul 2015
Senior Front-End Developer (Freelance)
SavingGlobal GmbH
- 1 year and 4 months, Apr 2013 - Jul 2014
Senior Front-End Developer (Freelance)
ImmobilienScout24 GmbH
I work closely with the back-end, design/UX departements, and my front-end web developer colleagues. I've introduced several optimizations and technologies into the daily workings of the front-end team, such as integrating a prototype build process with Node.js and Grunt; optimizing images with Optipng, Advpng and Imagew; Javascript code quality tools JSHint, JSLint. Together with the front-end team we've developed the core.css framework that allows quick, easy and reliable creation of IS24 branded pages.
Educational background for Mark Lindhout
- 7 years and 1 month, Aug 1999 - Aug 2006
Mixed Media
AKI, Enschede
Conceptual art, Installation art
First language
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