Martha Maha
Professional experience for Martha Maha
- Current 3 years and 1 month, since Jan 2022
Product Specialist
Smartz AG (Formally Simavita)
* Experience in developing mobile and web products that meet users’ needs. * Communicate progress on initiatives to various levels of the organization. * Work closely with the engineering team to deliver high-quality and user-centric features. * Using customer feedback, market trends, business initiatives, and data analysis to inform product innovation and roadmaps. * Managing the product roadmap, enhancements, and releases. * Service and customer-oriented, with strong communication skills.
- 1 year and 2 months, Nov 2020 - Dec 2021
Product Specialist
Simavita Australia
* Trained users on the use of sensor technology in incontinent management, which increased product acceptability and usability by 50%. * Product field analyses. * Manage projects and issues, escalating to Executives when necessary. * Work closely with UX designers to create a seamless user experience. * Handling technical and product usage support. * Implement and track performance metrics of the product in development and support the team on product demos. * Translate user needs into user stories.
- 3 years and 2 months, Nov 2017 - Dec 2020
Clinical and Operations Analyst
Vinzenz von Paul gGmbH
- 1 year and 1 month, Aug 2014 - Aug 2015
Product Owner
TiTEC Tempereturmesstechnik GmbH
- 5 years and 6 months, Mar 2008 - Aug 2013
Product Manager
SYNLAB Nigeria (Formaly -PathCare)
* Organize the entire life cycle of a suite of visual products developed and used electronically. * Interact with customers, market owners, and sales to understand business needs and serve as the subject matter expert. * Evaluate, analyze, and understand the voice of the customer through a variety of data sources * Analyze, prioritize, and negotiate product timelines and priorities. * Compile the overall vision of digital and visual products with the client and stakeholders and oversee the rollout.
- 2 years and 2 months, Jan 2006 - Feb 2008
Clinical Business Analyst
PMG Specialist Hospital, Lagos (Nigeria)
*Engage effectively with labs and external vendors to ensure timely and consistent execution of bio-sample workflows, processing, analysis, and data delivery. *Main point of contact for planning, development, testing, and coordination of all operational activities required for the data collection and delivery of bio-samples management systems. *Coordinate the development of user manuals, training materials, and other documents as needed to enable the successful implementation of systems to customers
Educational background for Martha Maha
- 2 years and 11 months, Aug 2015 - Jun 2018
International Management
Hochschule Furtwangen University
- 1 year, Sep 2013 - Aug 2014
International Business (Pre-Master)
Reutlingen University
- 5 years and 1 month, Aug 2008 - Aug 2013
Business Administration
University of Lagos, Lagos (Nigeria)
- 3 years and 4 months, Sep 2002 - Dec 2005
Staatliche Fachhochschule für Gesundheitstechnologie Lagos (Nigeria)
First language
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