Md Mozammel Hossain
Professional experience for Md Mozammel Hossain
Design and implement a predictive maintenance system for an EV engine production facility. Develop and maintain predictive maintenance models using machine learning algorithms. Train models for predictive maintenance systems and provide support to ensure effective use. Conduct root cause analysis on equipment failures using data from predictive maintenance systems to improve equipment performance and reduce maintenance costs.
1. Create an interface between the real production plant and the digital twin of the digitization laboratory. 2. Further, develop an existing predictive maintenance system with Python. 3. Use machine learning algorithms to predict machine failures and create a dashboard with maintenance notifications.
- 1 year and 1 month, Oct 2018 - Oct 2019
Trainee Officer
K. N. Power Service Limited
Data analysis: Data cleaning, Data error minimizing, Data visualization in Excel using VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, VVLOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, Advanced conditional formatting, Pivot Table and reporting, Macros and VBA, Data Simulation.
- 2 years and 2 months, Sep 2016 - Oct 2018
IT Officer
ESTILO Bangladesh
Partially designed the company website using HTML, CSS. Maintain the websites, update plugins, made customized plugins.
- 6 months, Feb 2017 - Jul 2017
Research Intern
Planeter Ltd
An Automated Blood Group Detection Machine was designed and programmed using Arduino, C++, Computer Vision, MySQL.
Educational background for Md Mozammel Hossain
- Current 5 years and 6 months, since Sep 2019
Information and Electrical Engineering
Hochschule Wismar, University of Technology, Business and Design
- 4 years, Jan 2013 - Dec 2016
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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