Michael Abey
Professional experience for Michael Abey
- Current 3 years and 6 months, since Sep 2021MaibornWolff GmbH
Deputy Head of Department - DevOps & CloudNative
Principial IT Architect & IT Manager
- IT Architect - IT Manager - Projectlead for migration projects - Architecture, DevOps, Cloud Native and Cloudservices
- Technical Consultant and Cloud Architect in Management - Architektur, DevOps, Cloud Native and Cloudservices
J2EE, Jboss, EJB 3, MyFaces, IceFaces, JSP, JSF, MSSQL Server, T-SQL, Web Services, Axis2, Softwarearchitektur, OOA, OOD
Konzeption und Realisierung eines lose gekoppelten Statistikdienstes mit dem Web Service Framework Axis2 (J2EE, Axis2,IceFaces, TSQL, Datenbankoptimierung)
Web/ Java / J2EE Software Entwickler
Educational background for Michael Abey
- 5 years and 1 month, Oct 2002 - Oct 2007
Hochschule Augsburg / University of Applied Sciences
Enterprise Computing, Web Services, Projektmangement und Teamarbeit
First language
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