Dipl.-Ing. Michael Brandenburg
Professional experience for Michael Brandenburg
- Current 6 years and 11 months, since Mar 2018
Managing Director
2quadrate gmbh
Together with my partner Michael Brauer I develop and deliver transformation projects for our clients in german Mittelstand companies which need new business models and want to take advantage of the digitization and process automation
Lead Coach at IESE Executive Coaching Team
- 6 years and 1 month, Sep 2008 - Sep 2014IESE Business School
Director International Business Development
IESE has decided to move to an integrated business development that spans the world. The key developing markets for IESE are currently Germany and the United States. Michael Brandenburg as the director of international business development will have a strong focus on the further development of IESE's Executive Education business in Germany and Central Europe while building the regional teams and a key account structure.
To increase the impact on the life and behavior of our particiapants, IESE Business School is including executive coaching sessions in our General Management Programs and as part of specific Short Focused Programs.The coching consist of a on-campus part and a telephone- / web-based part. Michael joined the coaching team in May 2010 and coordinates it since July 2011. He is certified Executive Coach by ICF since September 2011.
- 1 year and 11 months, Nov 2006 - Sep 2008
Director International Custom Programs
IESE Business School, University of Navarra
Development of business relationships with international top 100 companies as clients for customized programs. Design and supervision of the delivery of impactful and transformational programs for groups of senior managers from top companies.
Responsible for the business in the industry sector in Spain, including Automobile, Construction, Media and Pharmaceutical sectors. Covering a program portfolio from procee re-engineering to It-Outsourcing
- 5 years, Jul 1989 - Jun 1994
Division Head
SEAT Automotive
Entered SEAT in 1989 as assistant to a member of the managing board, became director of the plant directors office in the new SEAT main plant in martorell (1500 cars per day) in 1990, promoted to manager in final assembly in 1991, promoted to division head for SEAT wide improvement process "KVP2" in 1994
Entered RWE in February 1984 as engineer for training, became the youngest shift leader (Officer in charge of the nuclear powerplant in 3-shift system) in 1986.
Educational background for Michael Brandenburg
- 4 months, Apr 2009 - Jul 2009
Top Management
IESE Business School, University of Navarra
- 3 months, Mar 2009 - May 2009
Executive Coaching
IESE Business School, University of Navarra
- 1 year and 10 months, Sep 1987 - Jun 1989
General Management
IESE Business School, Universty of Navarra
Organizational Development, People Management, Supply Chain Management
- 5 years, Sep 1978 - Aug 1983
Mechanical Engineering
RWTH Aachen, Germany (1978 - 1983)
Nuclear Engineering (Kerntechnik) at FH / Kernforschungsanlage Jülich
First language
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