Michael Leander
Professional experience for Michael Leander
- Current 9 years, since Feb 2016
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
GIDMA - Data driven marketing results
Data driven marketing, encompassing areas such as AI, marketing automation, email marketing, nurturing and trigger based marketing, can increase marketing efficiency by as much as 100%. Working with clients from all over the world, my job as a data driven marketing strategist, is to help businesses increase results.
- Current 16 years and 1 month, since Jan 2009
MARKEDU - Innovative Marketing Education
Marketing education and inspiration through online and offline learning formats for marketing professionals. Markedu also offers on-demand content delivered by influential marketing experts.
- Current 18 years and 10 months, since Apr 2006
Marketing speaker, global marketing trainer
Michael Leander Company
I speak and train marketers around the world on a number of marketing topics. At any given time I also consult a few selected businesses with an objective to improve the efficiency of their marketing activities. Speaking at major conferences is fun, but I also enjoy delivering customized in-company training for action-orientated businesses eager to improve Return on Marketing Investment.
- 9 years and 1 month, Mar 2006 - Mar 2015
Customer Lifecycle Marketing Automation Expert
Fokus Integrated
I consult with clients in areas within marketing automation and permission marketing as well as customer lifecycle marketing automation. Also frequently speak about the topic
- 2 years and 10 months, Jul 2003 - Apr 2006
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
Globase International
Globase quickly became the leading email marketing provider in Denmark. With limited resources Globase attracted a number of high profile, global clients. Many of whom were still using Globase in 2017 - that is over 10 years after first coming aboard. Globase was acquired by Adpepper, and later sold to an Italian ESP.
- 4 years and 1 month, Apr 2002 - Apr 2006
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
Leandersen became one of the best known marketing consultancies in Denmark. Working with high profile clients, our role involved helping clients get results through various aspects of digital marketing. WIth a CRM and direct marketing focus, Leandersen became known for outstanding 1to1 marketing and email marketing capabilities. The company was merged with sister company Globase in the winter of 2015. Globase was subsequently acquired by Adpepper Group (Germany)
- 1 year and 10 months, Jan 2000 - Oct 2001
VP Sales/Marketing
Kometh.Company Inc.
- 2 years and 6 months, Jul 1997 - Dec 1999
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
Janna Systems AS
- 1 year and 6 months, Jan 1996 - Jun 1997
Marketing Manager
Santech Micro Group - SMG
- 2 years and 7 months, Jun 1993 - Dec 1995
Country Manager
SuperOffice Danmark A/S
Educational background for Michael Leander
Florida Atlantic University
First language
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