Michal Aron
Professional experience for Michal Aron
- Current 7 years and 1 month, since Feb 2018
Senior Java Developer (Freelancer)
LinkSoft Technologies a.s. - project for Monster Government Solutions
- working on a new generation of recruitment application, integration with external IS, customers big U.S. gov. agencies - tasks both in back-end and front-end, int. EN speaking team - splitting of original monolithic application into microservices - Java EE, Angular 5, Microservices, Spring Boot, Spring REST, JAX-RS, JPA / Hibernate, MySQL, Maven, Amazon Web Services, Docker
- 1 year and 4 months, Nov 2016 - Feb 2018
Senior Java Developer (Freelancer)
Actum s.r.o. - project CCP for Conrad Electronics
- re-development of company e-commerce - working on tasks in BE (sw architecture proposal, new functions analysis & development, bug fixing), SCRUM, int. EN speaking team - REST WS, integration with many external IS, config & JCR specific tasks in Hippo CMS, splitting parts to microservices modules - Java EE, Microservices, Spring (DI, MVC, Spring Boot…), JAX-RS, JCR - Hippo CMS (Bloomreach), Maven, Redis NoSQL DB
- 10 months, Feb 2016 - Nov 2016
Java Developer (Freelancer)
Trask Solutions a.s. - project EFILE for Komerční banka
- project focused on implementation of complex workflows (credit analysis, business loans...) - working on tasks in back-end (new functions analysis & development, bug fixing) - Java EE, EJB 3.0, JPA, Maven, Oracle, WS-BPEL, IBM WAS + IBM WPS, REST WS, BPM processes orchestration, integration with many external bank systems
- 4 months, Nov 2015 - Feb 2016
Java Developer (Freelancer)
Trask Solutions a.s. - project RVHP for Česká Spořitelna a.s.
- big project implementing new “revolutionary” methods of bank customers authentication and authorization) - developing new functions + analysis + bug fixing in backend (REST WS, RMI, data caching, batch processing, security, SSO...) - Java EE, Spring (DI, MVC, Spring Security...), RMI, Quartz scheduler, MyBatis, Maven, Oracle, JBoss
- developing new functions for AOP product (account opening process - mainly workflows and integration with third party systems to provide anti-money laundering check for new clients). - developing functions in backend - tasks focused on integration (SOAP WS, securing WS, Spring integration + JMS, asynchronous jobs...). - Java EE, Spring (DI, MVC, Spring Integration, Spring Boot, Spring-WS...), Apache Axis WS, Hibernate, Maven, Oracle, JasperReports
- 5 months, Dec 2014 - Apr 2015
Java Developer (Freelancer)
Embedit - project for Home Credit (PPF Group)
- developing product for managing workflows for new Home Credit salespoints, bug fixing, migration of data from legacy system - Java EE, Spring, Maven, Oracle+PL/SQL, H2 DB, Activiti BPM, Java persistence framework MyBatis, frontend JavaScript technologies (jQuery, Knockout.js, Durandal)
- 6 months, Jul 2014 - Dec 2014
Lead Java Developer / Architect (Freelancer)
OpenRevolution LLC
- greenfield project – new app for micro-loans providing (for Kazakhstan client) - complete SW architecture proposal („The Clean Architecture“ principles - by Uncle Bob), design, development, leading of developers, ensuring code quality, setting up dev. env - Java EE, Spring – Boot+DI+MVC+Security, REST WS, JPA / Hibernate, JUNIT + Mockito, Apache Tiles, Twitter Bootstrap UI framework - Web servers Tomcat + Jetty, RDBMS PostgreSQL + HSQLDB - Maven, CI server Jenkins - UML, Sparx Enterprise Architect
- 1 year and 9 months, Oct 2012 - Jun 2014
Senior Java Developer / Analyst
Assist spol. s r. o. - project for Renault Task Force
Working on SW projects throughout whole development lifecycle (requirements analysis, object-oriented analysis and design, development, testing, deployment). Main technologies: - Java EE, EJB, Apache Struts web framework - SQL, RDBMS Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL - UML, Sparx Enterprise Architect
- 1 year and 3 months, Sep 2011 - Nov 2012
IS/IT Project Manager
Assist spol. s r. o - project for Renault Task Force
As a member of Project management team at Renault TaskForce, my primary responsibilities were: - communication with clients across Europe, presentations, gathering and analyzing client requirements - coordination of developers in all phases of SW development cycle - incident management - risk management - quality assurance of SW development processes - maintanance and monitoring of SW infrastructure (servers, SW licenses...)
- 1 year and 5 months, Apr 2010 - Aug 2011
Java Developer
Development of key company product – Unicorn Universe (internet service for support of business processes – strategy, document management, sales, production, resources management, task management…). Used technologies: - Java (both JSE and JEE), JSP, JUNIT, Java Swing, Javascript - SQL - XSLT
Educational background for Michal Aron
- 2 years and 8 months, Oct 2008 - May 2011
Information technology
Unicorn College
Study focused on modern software technologies and methodologies - RUP, UML, design patterns, Java (JSE/JEE), Ruby on Rails, DB Oracle, PL/SQL... Realized several more complex school semestral projects mainly in area of Java, JEE, Ruby, PL/SQL… Including SW analysis and SW architecture design.
- 2 years and 8 months, Oct 2005 - May 2008
Information technology
Institue of Chemical Technology Prague, Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Several subjects related to Software Development (algorithms, C++, HTML, CSS, PHP, Matlab+Simulink, VBA). Realization of the Bachelor’s thesis “Simulated annealing in C++” – stochastic optimisation method. Design, implementation of the algorithm in C++, solution of practical tasks.
First language
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