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Mihajlo Cabraja

Bis 2022, Frontend Developer, YouTestMe
Belgrade, Serbia



Professional experience for Mihajlo Cabraja

  • Current 1 year and 9 months, since Jun 2023

    Angular Frontend Developer

    - Worked on maintaining the codebase and adding new features using Angular and Typescript. - Wrote custom SCSS and HTML code in order to enhance the application UI and accessibility. - Utilized GitLab for version control and code repository management. - Handled installing and maintaining of dependencies and packages using NPM. - Actively participated in discussions about potential future features and implementations

  • 1 year and 4 months, Sep 2021 - Dec 2022

    Frontend Developer


    - Contributed to designing and implementing new features for both the application and the website. - Regularly used HTML and CSS to improve UI and resolve bugs on the front-end. - Gained valuable experience in agile development methodologies and demonstrated effective teamwork.


  • English


  • German


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