Mikhail Kolganov
Professional experience for Mikhail Kolganov
- Current 4 years and 11 months, since Apr 2020
Senior Software Development Engineer
Digetail Analytics
Developing and maintaining a backend platform that collects marketing analytics data from various retailer sites, which is then used by vendors.
- Current 8 years and 6 months, since Sep 2016
Senior Software Development Engineer / Independent Contractor
Developing and maintaining customer high-load web services for real-time data collection using Python/Twisted, Redis, RabbitMQ, MySQL, MongoDB. Developing and maintaining web services and web applications for company internal purposes using Python/Django/DRF, MySQL. Maintaining Kubernetes clusters in Azure. Implementing DevOps processes using Azure DevOps.
- Current 10 years and 3 months, since Dec 2014
Data Scraping Engineer
Developing and maintaining a data platform that collects market analysis data from multiple retailer sites in different countries.
- 5 years and 1 month, Mar 2015 - Mar 2020
Software Developer / Software Engineer
Developing and maintaining of backend platform for collecting and processing reviews and ratings of restaurants, hotels etc. from social networks and review sites in batch and real-time modes for purposes of customer loyality management for business owners.
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