Moein Pakkhesal
Professional experience for Moein Pakkhesal
- Current 4 years and 2 months, since Jan 2021
Lead Software Engineer
- 1 year and 11 months, Mar 2019 - Jan 2021
Head of Backend Engineering
- Lead a team of senior backend developers (PHP, Node JS) through team and tasks management, code quality checks, and mentorships. - Implementation of a service-based architecture that utilized the RabbitMQ message-broker system for in-cluster communications. - Mentorships and monitoring programs for interns and newly employed developers. - Technology infrastructure and stack maintenance through Collaborations with the head of engineering department and other technical leads.
- 2 years and 7 months, Sep 2016 - Mar 2019
Senior Software Developer
- Design and Implementation of administrative control panel modules using PHP (Laravel), Node JS (Express, Fastify), MySQL, MongoDB and Redis. This panel uses a role/permission-based authorization system. - Implementing the control panel view using Angular 2-4, JQuery, Bootstrap, Google Maps, Highcharts, HTML, and CSS as front-end technologies - Presentation of financial and business reports generated using complex MySQL queries.
- 3 months, Jul 2016 - Sep 2016
Software Developer
- Development and maintenance of web applications and APIs using PHP(Laravel), NodeJS, MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis. - Development and design of web and mobile applications using AngularJS, Angular 2, Ionic, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS.
- 5 months, Mar 2016 - Jul 2016
Software Developer
- Design and implementation of a new website on the WordPress CMS. - Development and design of the recruitment panel - Designing a Panel for handling special events for the company that utilized serial numbers and barcode readers for guest management
- 10 months, Jun 2015 - Mar 2016
Software Developer
Zero O’Clock
- Designing and maintaining clients websites with different CMS’s (WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, and Magento) - Client server handling and support
- 1 year and 1 month, Jun 2014 - Jun 2015
Software Developer
- Website technical support and maintenance - Development and design of a shopping CMS - Website SEO and marketing
Educational background for Moein Pakkhesal
- 3 years and 8 months, Jan 2015 - Aug 2018
Software Engineering
Islamic Azad University
- 2 years and 4 months, Sep 2013 - Dec 2015
Software Engineering
Islamic Azad University
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