Mohamed Iyadh Gallah

Angestellt, Senior Web Consultant, Altansia

Paris, Frankreich


Berufserfahrung von Mohamed Iyadh Gallah

  • Bis heute 4 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Nov. 2019

    Senior Frontend Developer


    Developed A/B Tests Converted UI prototypes to HTML5/CSS3 Developed vues in Vanilla Javascript

  • Bis heute 6 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Juli 2018

    Senior Web Consultant


    Created and maintained frontend standards documents Supervised HTML, CSS and Javascript production Tested front-end code to ensure cross-browser compatibility Tested front-end code to ensure responsiveness and mobile-first compatibility Analysed codebase for performance issues Ensure style consistencies for IE Got involved in UI wireframing and users interactions flow

  • 4 Monate, Juli 2019 - Okt. 2019

    Senior Frontend Developer


    Created and implemented: dynamic SVG drawings with animations using CSS3 and TweenMax lib Converted UI prototypes to HTML5/CSS3 Developed vues/components in VueJS and Vanilla Javascript

  • 11 Monate, Aug. 2018 - Juni 2019

    Senior Frontend Developer

    Accuity Fircosoft

    Migrated AngularJS 1.7.2 to Angular 6 Developed vues/components Converted UI prototypes to HTML5/CSS3 Developed a proprietary components library development with detailed documentation Developed a frontend style guide Redacted framework migration documentation Redacted components library documentation and use cases Tested front-end code to ensure cross-browser compatibility Migrated gulp tasks to Webpack config Helped preparing wireframes, UI screens and user flows with UX team

  • 1 Jahr und 10 Monate, Sep. 2016 - Juni 2018

    Senior Web Developer

    Spotlight Integrated Communications

    Created and maintained frontend standards documents Supervised HTML, CSS and Javascript production Planned and developed a customized GMaps UI Tested front-end code to ensure cross-browser compatibility. Tested front-end code to ensure responsiveness and mobile-first compatibility. Tested frontend code to discover and fix performance issues Handled IE style inconsistency Got involved in UI wireframing and users interactions flow

  • 1 Jahr und 7 Monate, Feb. 2015 - Aug. 2016

    Frontend Developer

    Tarbeya Center

    Designed and developed education activities management app’s UI Involved in UI design and UX research and design Created and maintained frontend standards documents. HTML, CSS and Javascript development Developed mobile views using Ionic Framework Developed users interactions Developed email templates Stack: NPM, Gulp.js, Javascript, yarn, HTML5/CSS3, AngularJS, Git, BEM, Ionic Framework, Flexbox, UXPin, InvisionApp, SketchApp, Typescript, Less, MailChimp

  • 2 Jahre, Feb. 2013 - Jan. 2015

    Frontend Developer


    Created and maintained frontend code of the wordpress template Produced customized views’ guides Developed shortcodes’ styles and JS Tested front-end code to ensure cross-browser compatibility. Tested front-end code to ensure responsiveness Developed animations and interactions Developed email templates Stack: Bower, Grunt.JS, Git, HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, Zurb Foundation, Less, MailChimp

  • 1 Jahr, Apr. 2012 - März 2013

    Frontend Developer


    Created and maintained frontend standards documents Supervised HTML, CSS and Javascript production Involved in UI wireframing and users interactions flow Developed reusable UI components Tested front-end code to ensure cross-browser compatibility. Tested front-end code to ensure responsiveness Stack: Bower, Grunt.JS, Git, UnderscoreS, Wordpress, HTML5/CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, Zurb Foundation, AxureRP, Zurb Foundation, Twitter Bootstrap

  • 1 Jahr und 4 Monate, Dez. 2010 - März 2012

    Frontend Developer


    Developed semantic, maintainable and reusable HTML/CSS code Developed Interactions using jQuery and jQueryUI PSD to HTML development W3C Validation Stack: SVN, HTML, CSS, W3C, Javascript, jQuery

Ausbildung von Mohamed Iyadh Gallah

  • 2007 - 2010

    Multimedia & Web Technologies

    Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie de Sousse


  • Englisch


  • Französisch


  • Deutsch


  • Türkisch


  • Arabic




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