Mohsin Latif
Professional experience for Mohsin Latif
- Current 8 months, since Jul 2024
Software Engineer
Verivox GmbH
- 1 year and 5 months, Jan 2023 - May 2024
Frontend Developer
StackZone Inc
- 2 years and 7 months, May 2020 - Nov 2022
Frontend Engineer
HolidayFox ltd
I built the HolidayFox partner app and an admin dashboard so admins and partners can edit/update listings. Tech Stack: Typescript, React.js, React Hooks, Redux, react-query, moment.js, Next.js, Ant Design Pro, Ant Design, LESS, GraphQL, and AWS Amplify. I worked with the HolidayFox booking widget and Fox in a Box templates and partner landing pages Tech Stack: Typescript, React.js, Next.js, GraphQL, Tailwind CSS, React Hooks, and Custom hooks. Partner App V 2.0 with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Storybook.
- 1 year and 7 months, Oct 2018 - Apr 2020
Frontend Engineer
1Brand llc
I built new features and fixed bugs for the 1Brand SaaS software. I wrote Fragments(Queries and Mutations) and used Apollo GraphQL for state management and as a GraphQL client. I built 1Brand blog using Ghost CMS and Gatsby.js. Tech Stack: Typescript, React.js, Next.js, Ant Design, Post-CSS, GraphQL, and Apollo.
- 8 months, Jul 2018 - Feb 2019
Front End Developer
StepWeb Inc (Upwork)
Worked in an Agile-driven environment I did code-reviews/PR-Reviews Developed new user-facing features using React.js using mobile-first RWD techniques and patterns Consumed RESTful and GraphQL APIs and managed State with Redux Translated designs and wireframes into high-quality code Optimized components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers Composed Styles with SCSS to build Modular, Scalar, and More Built Landing pages/Static sites with Gatsby.js
- 1 year and 2 months, Jan 2017 - Feb 2018
Frontend HTML/Wordpress Developer
Converted PSD to responsive bootstrap with clean and properly indented W3C valid code. developed responsive layouts, Bootstrap-based projects, worked with Retina-ready designs, and, of course, a bunch of JavaScript features. PSD to WordPress theme, Woocommerce and payment processors integrations
Educational background for Mohsin Latif
- 5 years, Apr 2016 - Mar 2021
Software Engineering
Virtual University of Pakistan
The objective of the program is to prepare students for professional careers in software engineering. The Strategic objectives of the BSSE program are: To develop eLearning students with knowledge of concepts, theories, applications, and practices associated with the principles of Software Engineering. To prepare eLearning students with an awareness of current industry standards and practices for designing, implementing, developing, deploying high-quality software solutions
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