Mostafa Ramezani
Professional experience for Mostafa Ramezani
- Current 3 years and 7 months, since Jul 2021
Senior Cloud and DevOps Engineer
• Azure Docker App Services . •Slots on Azure App service for Blue/Green or Canary deployment strategy. • Establish Virtual network and Virtual machine on Azure and manage alerting and notification monitoring. • Azure Function App and Storage Account. • Automatic backup by Azure Recovery Services vaults. • Sample Microservice projects on Azure Container registries and Azure Kubernetes services. • EC2 machines on AWS.• Pipeline (CI/CD) on Gitlab. • Nginx reverse proxy and LetsEncrypt SSL certificate.
- Current 5 years and 8 months, since Jun 2019OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Senior Software Architect | DevOps Engineer | Researcher
Notable Accomplishments: Provide design and architecture for Mosaik Co-simulation project (Python). Implement Gitlab DevOps based on Gitflow branch strategy, Establish CI/CD pipeline such as Linting (Code Review), Unit testing, Integration testing and delivery such as build Docker images for each stages (User acceptance, Release, Production),Also used Kubernetes to manage and orchestrate of Mosaik and simulations containers(Docker), to run simulations from different Pods, Nodes or Clusters.
- 4 months, Sep 2014 - Dec 2014
Project Manager and Senior Developer
Saman Parallel Processing Co
(Microsoft SharePoint and SharePoint Designer) Responsible for: Implementation KMS by SharePoint 2013. A knowledge management system blends technology with business data gathered by a company. The phrase "knowledge management" refers to the goal of gathering and organizing data and then using computer technology to convert it to useful information. Operators use software databases to gather and store data, and then the data is analyzed to make operational, strategic and marketing decisions
- 1 year and 4 months, Jun 2013 - Sep 2014
Senior Web Developer
Saman Parallel Processing Co
Part of the designing framework for ERP project team. (Kendo UI, MVC .Net, JQuery , SQL Server) Participant in the Design and Implementation framework for software of Enterprise Resource Management. Includes: Form designer, View designer, Entity designer, Services management, Data access management...
- 6 months, Dec 2012 - May 2013
Software Architect and Senior Web Developer
Iran Public libraries foundation Co
( MVC.Net, SQL Server, Kendo UI, HTML5 ) Design Library Automation website: Includes register and edit books and writer and members of library information. Manage and register information about borrowing books. Scanning information's through barcode scanner. Advance searching book. Management of receiving book information's from international libraries based on the available standard...
- 3 years and 4 months, Feb 2010 - May 2013
Group Leader and Project Manager
Fanoos Rahnama Group
Implement Many Projects and Websites: -Implementation of HSE for Kian Khodro Group with SharePoint 2010. -Design and Implement Website of Fleet Management System for Payam company.( -Designing and Implementation of online payment in Tarbiat Modares University using PHP tech( -Design and Implement Website for Fujan Company(Online car Audio shopping -Design and Implement Website for Mehr brain clinic (Medical Site
- 11 months, Jan 2012 - Nov 2012
Software Engineer and Senior Web Developer
Fara Dadeh Iranian Co
(Silverlight, Share point, C#.Net, SQL Server) Responsible for: Development and maintenance accounting software by C#.Net and Microsoft SQL server and Entity Framework. Research and implement programme with Silverlight architecture for Iran Mercantile Exchange Develop special business process by SharePoint Designer 2010 for information Services Corporation. Make WebPart with visual studio through SharePoint for work flow management.
- 1 year and 2 months, Jan 2010 - Feb 2011
Senior Web Developer
Anarx Co
(ASP.Net,Telerik, Devexpress, REST API, Python, SOAP web Service , SQL Server) Responsible for: Design and Implement Fleet Management System. Provide Web GIS (Google Map API and Bing Map API) and functionality such as vehicle maintenance, vehicle telematics (tracking and diagnostics), driver management, speed management, fuel management, and health and safety management. Road events management and find the nearest patrol incident. Set up GPS devices and analysis performance and accuracy
- 1 year, Jan 2009 - Dec 2009
Software Engineer and senior software developer .Net
Selakteb Co
( C#.Net, Microsoft SQL Server) Responsible for: Analysis and Designing a Hospital Management System.(Baghiatallah Hospital) Such as recording and editing of patients information, patient’s description factors specifications and drugs registration...
- 1 year and 2 months, Jan 2003 - Feb 2004
Software Developer .NET
Asan Mehr Co
Part of the Accounting and Financial Software project team. ( C#.Net, Microsoft SQL Server, Seven Layer Architecture Pattern) Such as: Accounts receivable—where the company enters money received,Accounts payable—where the company enters its bills and pays money it owes,General ledger—the company's "books",Billing—where the company produces invoices to clients/customers,Stock/inventory—where the company keeps control of its inventory,Purchase order—where the company orders inventory,Sales order..
Educational background for Mostafa Ramezani
- 2 years and 3 months, Sep 2016 - Nov 2018
Master of Computer Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome
- 2 years and 2 months, 2012 - Feb 2014
Master of Business Administration
Mahan Business School
MBA Degree Programs
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