Naruhito Kaide
Professional experience for Naruhito Kaide
- Current 1 year and 8 months, since Jun 2023
Full Stack Developer
Self Employed Freelancer
• Developed smart contracts from scratch and passed the audit from SlowMist. • Implemented NFT fractionalization so that users are able to co-won NFT and decide further steps like sale, auction, airdrop together. • Ecommerce websites using Woocommerce and Shopify. • Frontend development using React, Vue, Angular. • Experience in AWS, GCP, Docker, Azure to deploy Python/Django and MERN, MEVN, MEAN projects.
- 2 years and 5 months, Jan 2021 - May 2023
Long Term Contractor
Pivotal Energy Solutions
- 4 years, Feb 2017 - Jan 2021
Full Stack Developer
Ratio Finance Houston
- Utilized Python/Django and PostgreSQL to architect scalable full-stack software solutions, driving a 25% surge in website traffic and a 15% increase in user engagement. - Directed a web development team of 4+ , leveraging Git for project management and version control. - Translated Figma designs into responsive frontends using Tailwind CSS, elevating user retention and satisfaction by 35%. - Collaborated with backend teams to refine frontend data display, employing Redux and Redux-Saga.
- 1 year and 4 months, Nov 2015 - Feb 2017
Full Stack Developer
- Pioneered the launch of an e-commerce platform, leading to a 30% increase in sales revenue within the first quarter, underscoring adeptness in project management and market analysis. - Mentored the development team on Cypress unit testing integration, doubling code coverage by 50%. - Streamlined API efficiency by eliminating unnecessary calls and implementing caching strategies, reducing server costs by 20% and boosting system scalability.
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