Dipl.-Ing. Nika Farra
Selbstständig, WordPress-Specialist // Frontend-Developerin // Designerin, fm.worx // WordPress-Agentur
Abschluss: Diplom-Ingenieurin, FH Lausitz
Cottbus, Germany
Professional experience for Nika Farra
- Current 20 years and 6 months, since Aug 2004
WordPress-Specialist // Frontend-Developerin // Designerin
fm.worx // WordPress-Agentur
- Current 22 years and 1 month, since 2003
Mixing und Mastering
dcbl Studio // Mixing & Mastering
Mixing und Mastering
- Current 25 years and 1 month, since 2000
Musikerin, Produzentin
Boot Cut Rockers // Solar Chrome // NEOS // d:strucd
- 3 years and 7 months, 2018 - Jul 2021
WordPress Entwicklung
DNA24 - Gen-Datenbank
- 2004 - 2017
Developing, Webdesign
Joblotse.com / Jobtimierer.de
- 2002 - 2011
Frontend-Entwicklung, Backend-Entwicklung, Webdesign
eyesky Servicepool
Educational background for Nika Farra
- 4 years and 6 months, Oct 1997 - Mar 2002
FH Lausitz
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