Dipl.-Ing. Nikola Natterer
Professional experience for Nikola Natterer
- Current 1 year, since Mar 2024
Head of Department Technology Transmitter TSM
Endress+Hauser Gruppe
Endress+Hauser Temperature+System Products, Nesselwang Kompetenzzentrum für Temperaturmesstechnik und Temperature Engineered Solutions sowie Systemprodukte Endress+Hauser Temperature+System Products ist einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Temperaturmessgeräten, Temperature Engineered Solutions und Systemprodukten.
- Current 2 years and 9 months, since Jun 2022
CTO & Founder
KitchBo GmbH
Development of a revolutionary baking mat with integrated click system. Modular silicone baking mat for cooking at different levels with only one assembly. Click system patented and patent obtain. Multifunctional use and must not be missing in any kitchen.
- Current 5 years, since Mar 2020
CEO & Founder
primafood UG
Food Delivery, StartUp for regional food. Establishment of an online platform for regional food directly from the farmer to the consumer. Avoidance of waste. Customer experience via an app. Development of a backend and frontend application for a simple and customer-friendly operation via app. Integration of the software to a micro logistics with refrigerated vehicles and driver team.
- Current 12 years and 5 months, since Oct 2012RAFI GmbH & Co. KG
Head of Team -development components-
Teamleitung Entwicklung Mechanik Komponenten
- 2 years and 2 months, Sep 2010 - Oct 2012
Sales director/ technical director
Aich & Co Kg GmbH
Vertriebs- und Technikleiter eines kleinen Mittelständlers (20-30 Personen) Im Bereich Schallschutztechnik, mit Schlosserei und Schweissabteilung. Akquise, Betreuung und Abwicklung von Projekten mit diversen Kunden aus allen möglichen industriellen Bereichen. Wie Motorenherstellen (MTU), Getriebeproduzenten (ZF) und sonstigen die einen Schallschutz ihrer technischen Anlage benötigten.
Mechanical Development of special purpose machinery manufacture milling machines, typical engine constructions concepts for new machines, creative development /brainstorming / impulse
mechanical development of flow control devices. project responsibility mechanical engineer / CAD Sealing expert
- 4 years and 1 month, Oct 2000 - Oct 2004
Student Duale Hochschule
ThyssenKrupp Drauz Nothelfer
Vorgeschaltetes Praktikum und anschließendes Studium / laboratory before study automotive experiences / project management / tool manufacture experiences
Educational background for Nikola Natterer
- 3 years and 1 month, Oct 2001 - Oct 2004
Maschinenbau ( Fahrzeugtechnik)
Berufsakademie Ravensburg / Friedrichshafen
Fahrzeugtechnik Technische Mechanik Materialfachkunde Thermodynamik Projektmanagement
First language
Kroatisch fliessend
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