Nikolay Sahradyan
Professional experience for Nikolay Sahradyan
- Current 5 years and 3 months, since Dec 2019
iOS Software Developer
Development of new features provided by product team. Using or Integrating third party Libraries and API's. Working with Scrum methodology.
- 7 months, May 2019 - Nov 2019
iOS Software Developer
As iOS software developer at Joomag, I'm responsible for 1. Rewriting and refactoring components written by Objective-C to Swift 2. Submitting multiple apps to App Store (passing review, getting in touch with apple side reviewers, solving problems with them) 3. Collaborated with designers and Product Owner to find possible solutions, increase user experience and code quality In this project I have used: Swift, Objective-C, AFNetworking, Jira, Git, Realm
my responsibilities were 1. Developing new features and fixing bugs. 2. Making availability of offline viewing using Core Data 3. Using multithreading techniques to improve performance of app 4. Refactoring project to support Reactive programming, using ReactiveCocoa and ReactiveSwift 5. Implementing multiple Brands of single project 6. Mentoring Junior iOS developers organizing their career growth Swift, UIKit, CoreData, ReactiveCocoa, ReactiveSwift, Jira (Confluence), Git
- 1 year and 5 months, Aug 2016 - Dec 2017
iOS Developer
my responsibilities were 1. Collaborate with backend developers to implement new functionality and API according to the business needs 2. Collaborate with designers and implement pixel perfect UI 3. Constantly improve code and development process, research new libraries 4. Collaborated with designers and Product Owner to find possible solutions, increase user experience and code quality 5. Develop new functionality and provide clean and scalable code solutions
Educational background for Nikolay Sahradyan
- 7 months, Jan 2018 - Jul 2018
Computer Science for Aerospace
Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III)
I was an Erasmus student at M1 (masters first year) at CSA (Computer Science for Aerospace)
- 3 years and 9 months, Sep 2013 - May 2017
Computer Science
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