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Nina Vöge

Selbstständig, Creative Director, Digital Product Design, Mind The Gap
Amsterdam, Netherlands



Professional experience for Nina Vöge

  • Current 9 years and 5 months, since Oct 2015

    Creative Director, Digital Product Design

    Mind The Gap

    ‘Mind the gap’ is a design and innovation company. Our aim is to discover new opportunities, and turn these into clever and compelling new solutions. We are thinkers, designers and makers, and we are people who create for people. We believe in learning through experiences and experiments. Through our designs we aim to inspire you in playful ways, by offering new experiences which foster curiosity and encourage learning and growth. Mind the gap is based in Amsterdam, and was founded by Nina Vöge in 2015.

  • 3 years and 4 months, Jul 2012 - Oct 2015

    Consultant, User Experience Design

    Nina Vöge

    Help clients to create compelling and innovative technology products within the fields of e.g. smart home, enterprise communication, or navigation. Responsibilities are directing and mentoring design teams, consulting clients, conducting design thinking trainings, user research, expert interviews, creation of design concepts, and usability testing. Clients include TomTom, Collecting Colors, frog design, and German trains.

  • 1 year and 3 months, Jul 2011 - Sep 2012

    Senior Interface Designer

    TomTom bv

    Leading a multidisciplinary design team for new product initiatives. Development a product strategy and design for a multi touchpoint user experience. Designing and supporting the implementation of all features for a first release. Research, interaction and visual design activities, creating mental models, application frameworks, scenarios, flow charts, wire frame flows, rapid prototypes. Working directly with various stakeholders to manage business and technical constraints.

  • 5 years and 5 months, Jan 2006 - May 2011

    Senior Designer

    frog design

    Leading convergent project teams through different project phases: research, interaction design, visual design and implementation. Actively participating in research, interaction and visual design activities, creating mental models, application frameworks, scenarios, flow charts, wire frame flows, rapid prototypes. Working directly with various stakeholders to manage business and technical constraints, in order to produce usable, useful and desirable design solutions to complex problems.

  • 2003 - 2010

    Freelance Designer

    Nina Voege

    Creation and realization of design concepts for different challenges and media, such as corporate identity, book covers, packaging, web design, motion graphics, and poster design. Clients include the German publisher Suhrkamp Verlag, The Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (ZKM), and The Karlsruhe University of Art and Design (HFG).

Educational background for Nina Vöge

  • 7 months, Mar 2016 - Sep 2016

    Creative Leadership Program Participant

    THNK School

    The Creative Leadership program is an 6 month part-time executive program that helps leaders realize their full potential and accelerate the growth of their own enterprise. Participants include corporate innovators, entrepreneurs, and social change agents from all over the world.

  • 1998 - 2005


    Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

    communication design, new media, media art, film


  • German

    First language

  • English


  • Dutch


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