Nina Zimmermann
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Professional experience for Nina Zimmermann
- 5 years and 2 months, Apr 2016 - May 2021
tracdelight GmbH
Overall management responsibility for Bunte.de, Buntenow, tracdelight, Musicstarter and the word-of-mouth team.
Company-wide responsibility for Product Management, Product Marketing, Brand & Strategic Communication, Technolgy: incl. Engineering, Operations, Front-End and all Back-End development.
P&L responsibility for all International Markets Drove international sales & marketing activities People responsibility of more than 30, covering the following markets: UK, France, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium and the overall European experteer.com version
Developed Experteer's international strategy. Set-Up GTM process for market entry. Execution of strategy, building individual country teams from one person to more than 30.
- 2003 - 2007
Teamleiter Content Cooperations
Deutsche Telekom / T-Com
Created sales and Marketing strategies to leverage T-Onlines VOD, Mobile content, Games Content and Music content - in particular with hardware partners. Negotiated and executed partnerships. Built and led teams to grow such partnerships
- 2001 - 2002
Project Manager Internet
Bertelsmann, CLT-UFA
• Team leader for up to 10 people, assigning them tasks and motivating them to achieve goals • Led negotiations in developing new customer accounts and conducted comprehensive project management for existing key accounts, compiling business cases, planning activities through to completion and developing contracts • Successfully conceptualised and implemented innovative rich-media communication strategies for blue-chip companies
- 1999 - 2001
International Manager
QXL ricardo.de
• Identified strategic investment opportunities, conducted market research and held first stage negotiations in Singapore and India, resulting in a successful minority stake in an Asian Internet company • Responsible for co-ordinating business operations and providing support for the international subsidiaries in UK, France and Italy • Development of Global Business Strategies including cross-selling and marketing concepts for the subsidiaries
Educational background for Nina Zimmermann
University of London
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