Olivia Voils
Professional experience for Olivia Voils
Solution Manager - KCS at Acrolinx | Supporting the use of Acrolinx to help KCS practitioners achieve their goals.
- Current 10 years and 2 months, since Jan 2015
Senior Product Manager Integrations
Acrolinx GmbH
- Current 15 years and 5 months, since Oct 2009
Senior Development Manager & Product Manager
Acrolinx GmbH
Plan, manage and execute product development by team of 25; balance strategic and tactical product requirements; manage entire production process and define responsibilities; ensure timely delivery to tight schedule; monitor and improve process efficiency; define specifications and acceptance criteria; coordinate across company divisions; manage external sub-contracted development projects; resolve escalated customer support issues. Ensure quality assurance and documentation of product by release.
- 10 months, Dec 2008 - Sep 2009
Senior Project Consultant
Acrolinx GmbH
Coordinated and executed customization projects; responsible for customer delivery schedule in professional services team. Monitored project effort and team schedules to ensure resource capacity. Managed deployment projects at multinational companies; created and conducted conceptual and software trainings; developed and presented product demos (video, audio, text); support and project management for existing customers and onboarding new customers.
- 2 years and 6 months, Jul 2006 - Dec 2008
Customer Project Consultant
Acrolinx GmbH
Defined customer requirements; planned and executed deployment projects; developed and delivered training; supported pre-sales consultancy and conducted product demonstrations. Liaised with development teams to resolved issues. Organized international and regional customer conferences; introduced knowledge transfer and process improvements for cross-functional teams; optimized internal communication and delivery processes.
- 1 year and 6 months, Feb 2005 - Jul 2006
Linguistic Engineer
Acrolinx GmbH
Developed and maintained linguistic components (spelling, grammar, terminology, style) for English and German authoring tools; provided technical support for customer and prospect pilot projects. Conducted QA on standard and customized software; initiated and compiled best practices as a standard product offering.
- 1 year and 7 months, Mar 2004 - Sep 2005
Freelance and Sampson-Übersetzungen
German to English translation and copy-editing for various sectors: finance, law, politics, environment, construction, business, and information technology.
- 1 year and 11 months, Feb 2002 - Dec 2003
Project Assistant
Adelphi Consult / Adelphi Research
Co-authored policy brief; organized international workshops; copyedited papers from an expert workshop.
- 7 months, Feb 2001 - Aug 2001
International Customer Care Representative
Fielded high-end customer phone inquiries from German-speaking and European clientele to support B2B Internet-based software services; created and implemented Customer Care communications standards for cross-shift team training.
- 3 months, Jun 1997 - Aug 1997
amball business-software
Webster University International Business Internship Exchange
Educational background for Olivia Voils
- 10 months, Oct 2002 - Jul 2003
Robert Bosch Fellow
The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program is a distinguished transatlantic initiative that offers young Americans a comprehensive professional development program with cultural and political seminars in Germany and Europe.
- 2001 - 2002
Trans-Atlantic Studies
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and University of North Carolina
Focus: Post-WWII transatlantic politics; EU politics and policy making, societal modernization, civil society, European expansion.
- 1994 - 1998
Majors: English Literature and German Studies, Minor: Philosophy
Saint Louis University
Academic Dean's List, Leadership Scholarship, Tennis Team member
First language
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