Patricia Harris
Professional experience for Patricia Harris
- Current 1 year and 10 months, since May 2023Workday
Senior Vice President, Revenue and Experience Marketing
- Current 4 years and 4 months, since Nov 2020Workday
Senior Vice President, Solution and Revenue Marketing
- 2018 - 2020
VP and Head of Global Marketing, Digital Infrastructure
Hitachi Vantara
Senior leadership role spearheading the marketing and go-to-market function, including Product Marketing, Global Marketing Programs & Campaigns, Field Marketing (Americas, EMEA, APAC), Partner Marketing, Digital Marketing, Account-Based Marketing, and Campaign Operations departments. Drive strategic marketing planning to create predictable ROI through replicable prospecting programs. Oversee a team of 125 cross-functional, globally dispersed staff.
- 2013 - 2017
Vice President, Global Demand Marketing / Solution Marketing
IHS Markit
Leadership of the Global Demand Marketing organization, responsible for driving demand on a global scale for IHS solutions. Includes: Strategic Market Planning; Global Campaign Development; Marketing Systems & Operations; Digital Marketing (PPC/Paid Social); Event Strategy, Sales and Execution
Earned progressive leadership promotions within SAP’s Global Marketing group. Initially spearheaded global campaigns and programs for small & midsize businesses (SMB) and volume marketing. Then, as VP, transformed and oversaw global marketing programs for small, midsize, & large enterprises. Led global campaigns across all SAP product and service lines, including ERP, CRM, HCM, and industry-specific software across diverse industries. Managed $12M budget. Directed a cross-functional global team of 20.
Educational background for Patricia Harris
Business Administration
University of Colorado at Denver
Business Administration
Truman State University
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