Mag. Peter Schreckensberger
Professional experience for Peter Schreckensberger
- Current 6 years and 6 months, since Sep 2018
External Lecturer
University of Applied Scriences St. Pölten, Interaction & Information Design
Agiles Projektmanagement und Workflow in Kreativteams (M.A.)
- Current 6 years and 6 months, since Sep 2018
External Lecturer
University of Applied Scriences JOANNEUM Graz, Interaction & Information Design
- Current 9 years and 11 months, since Apr 2015
External Lecturer
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Design & Product Management
Design Management, Agile Project Management, Retail & Shop Concepts, Ergonomics,
- Current 15 years, since Mar 2010
Consultant & Coach for Design Management - Business & Service Innovation
UDP UnitedDesignPartners KG
Heben Sie Ihren Unternehmenswert mit dem Wirtschaftsfaktor Design, als Ergebnis eines im Unternehmen etablierten Designmanagements. Wir bieten speziell konzipierte Design-Dienstleistungspakete für das tägliche Geschäft zwischen KMUs und der Creative Industries.
- 2007 - 2009
Design & Product Manager
List General Contractor GmbH
The List Group through its´ role as a Turnkey Operator, carries out international projects of the highest level of quality and standards for luxury interior fittings. List is a full-range supplier for yacht-& ship-, hotel- & aviation industries. >> INTERDISCIPLINARY SCOPE OF WORK: Business Strategy, Product Marketing, Brand Communication, PR, Project Development - New Business, >> FOCUS: New Corporate Visual Identity (Print-, Web-, Product-, Interior- & Exhibition-, Fashion Design)
Educational background for Peter Schreckensberger
- 2005 - 2006
Industrial Design & Engineering,
University Halmstad / Sweden
Design Management,
- 2002 - 2007
Design & Product Management
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg / Austria
Design Management & Industrial Design
- 1996 - 2001
Interior & Furniture Design
Higher Technical College Hallstatt / Austria
First language
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