Petra Dahm
Professional experience for Petra Dahm
- Current 11 years and 1 month, since Feb 2014
Gründer und Inhaber
Green & Tidy Services Co. Ltd. | Maid in Cambodia
Maid in Cambodia is a start-up company in Phnom Penh. It's a family driven company found by my cousin Marisa and myself. My role as partner is to setup the business and concentrate on marketing and sales as well as finding investors and business partners who are interested in an investment in Cambodia. Furthermore I'm brining in my know-how in cleantech and sustainability.
Wir beraten Unternehmen dabei, digitale Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln und zu implementieren.
- 6 years and 10 months, Aug 2014 - May 2021
THRIVE International e.V.
THRIVE International e.V. promotes a) education and vocational training in Europe and Asia; b) understanding and tolerance of international culture, heritage and practices; c) gender equality, especially in developing and emerging countries such as Cambodia, Lao and Myanmar. Cooperation Opportunities THRIVE organises and supports projects that meet the above criteria. Projects are created through our own initiative, as well as through our associative partners.
- 4 years and 4 months, Sep 2013 - Dec 2017
Gründer und Inhaber
my Fable
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