Pier Giacomo Querio Gianetto
Professional experience for Pier Giacomo Querio Gianetto
- Current 29 years and 2 months, since Jan 1996
Senior Software Ingenieur (Team Leader, Architect, Developer, ...)
Pier Querio
Freelancer Senior Software Engineer. Able to work in different Departments, i.e. Software, System, Quality, ... Assuming different roles, i.e. Team leading, Architect, Designer, Developer, Tester ...
Drive & support the automotive related projects' software architecture activities
- 1 year and 1 month, Oct 2018 - Oct 2019
Senior Software Engineer, AutoSAR consultant & configurator
SCHEID automotive GmbH
Responsible for BSW of a brand new ECU, using Aurix TriCore (multicore active). Position responsible for BSW configuration in AutoSAR 4.x o DaVinci (Vector), SystemDesk (dSPACE), tresos (ElektroBit) o SWCs design, ComplexDeviceDrivers design, multi-core, partitioning, ModeManagement, Partial Networking, BSW stacks • Requirements analysis and clarification • MS-Office, Polarion, EnterpriseArchitect, Jira • A-SPICE and V-Model processes
- 4 months, Dec 2018 - Mar 2019Continental AG
Senior Software Engineer, Architect and AutoSAR consultant
Given an existing AutoSAR 4 project, analyse the architecture to reduce RAM and ROM usage as well as CPU load. o AutoSAR 4.x configuration o tresos (ElektroBit) configuration o Software components implementation Position got through Eeins GmbH. Contract ended due to budget reduction
Lead an AutoSAR 4 project, App and BSW Architecture reporting to higher managers Develop and build up team by - improving engagement and mitigating conflicts - training on AutoSAR concepts - guiding on Software Architecture Design (ASIL-B) Plan activities with MSProject and PTC Support the team on: - CCBs , requirement analysis - deep AutoSAR 4.x technical knowledge - multi-core, partitioning - ARText/ARTop, AutoSAR Builder, tresos, SystemDesk, C,Python,ARXML,XML,ARText
- 10 months, Jan 2017 - Oct 2017
AutoSAR architecture team leader
AutoSAR architecture team leader
- 1 year and 2 months, Nov 2015 - Dec 2016
Lead Software Architect in AutoSAR 4.x
Bombardier Primove GmbH
AutoSAR 4.x based architecture design, Rte/Bsw/Applications configuration and Software development - AutoSAR architecture (SWCCs, Swcs, IoHwAbstractionSwcs, ServiceSwcs and ComplexDeviceDrivers) design and configuration - BSW configuration - Matlab/Simulink models integration - Freescale MPC5470 microcontroller - Customer requirement analysis - MS-Office, DOORS, RtcJazz, C, ElektroBit tresos, dSPACE SystemDesk, C, Python, ARXML, XML, A2L - SPICE and V-Model process
- 6 months, Jun 2015 - Nov 2015
Senior Software Engineer, AutoSAR 4.x
Bosch Automation Steering GmbH
AutoSAR 4.x Software development in C, supporting architecture and development at any BSW and SWCs level, including Complex Device Drivers. Configuring ECUs from scratch, using EB tresos WinCore/AutoCore and dSpace SystemDesk. SystemDesk automation using Python scripts - Renesas V850 / RH850, MS-Office, DOORS, ClearCase, ClearQuest, C, Python, Lauterbach, INCA, Enterprise Architect, UML, MISRA, Polyspace, OSEK, ARXML, XML, ASIL D
- 1 year and 11 months, Jul 2013 - May 2015
Senior Software Engineer, AutoSAR 4.x
ZF Lenksysteme GmbH, Schwäbisch Gmünd
AutoSAR 4.x Software development in C, supporting architecture and development at any BSW and SWCs level, including Complex Device Drivers. Configuring ECUs from scratch, using EB tresos WinCore/AutoCore and dSpace SystemDesk. SystemDesk automation using Python scripts - Renesas V850, MS-Office, DOORS, ClearCase, ClearQuest, C, Python, Lauterbach, INCA, Enterprise Architect, UML, MISRA, Polyspace, OSEK, ARXML, XML, ASIL D
- 6 months, Jan 2013 - Jun 2013
Senior Software Engineer, AutoSAR 4.x
Behr-Hella Thermocontrols GmbH
As Senior SW Engineer, I support AutoSAR development at 360° degrees, from MCAL to Application development, discussing ECU architecture and performances. Working with C, Python, XML, ARXML, Mentor Graphics VSX, CANOe & CANApe, CAPL , A2L.
- 6 months, Jul 2012 - Dec 2012
Senior Software engineer
Valeo Schalter und Sensoren
Senior Software engineer, developing applications in AutoSAR 4.0 environment. Working with C, Mentor Graphics VSA, ARXML, XML, CAPL, CANOe. Developing a CPU performance measurement SW, capable of detecting the CPU load for tasks and interrupts.
- 2 years and 1 month, Jul 2010 - Jul 2012
Software Manager & System Engineer
Johnson Control SAFT GmbH
- Software Project Management, System Engineer, Requirement Management - Software project leading (up to 20 people, distributed on both Germany and USA, 4-5 projects) - Customer requirement analysis - System component analysis - MS-Office, MS-Project, DOORS, Rational Synergy, Rational Change, C++Builder - SPICE and V-Model process - Vector environment expert
- 5 months, Mar 2010 - Jul 2010
Test Engineer
Panasonic A.S.E.
CAN and MOST150 automatic test suite development including test requirement analysis, specification drawing, specification review, validation, execution and root cause analysis on the test results.
- 5 months, Oct 2009 - Feb 2010
Senior Software Engineer
Responsible for Data path handling in a 20 GB/s switch
- 8 months, Jul 2009 - Feb 2010
Sofware Developer / Team Leader
Novasis Ingegneria srl
Review the company processes to achieve the CMMI level 2
- 2 years and 8 months, Nov 2006 - Jun 2009
Senior Software engineer
Design, implement and validate the CAN-MOST gateway and the MOST Applications called PowerMaster and VehicleData for a Premium Automotive Group project.
- 9 months, Mar 2006 - Nov 2006
Automotive Professional
Magneti Marelli
Role: Senior Software Engineer - testing suite development and maintenance - Spansion Flash memory driver design and implementation - SiRF GPS binary protocol stack implementation - Philips Dirana Radio Module DSP handling for testing purposes - design the KWP2000 stack over CAN for a proprietary downloading tools
Drive-by-Wire department, - Brushless Motor Controller enhancement, based on PPC MC5200, modifying the TPU microcode. - Motor Control application enhancement using Matlab/Simulink/StateFlow - Electronic Parking Brake Kernel Layer and Drivers reviews - Re-design the BSP for Electronic Parking Brake using Metrowerks OSEK
- 1 year and 4 months, Sep 2004 - Dec 2005
Hardware/Software engineer
TechnoGR, OMRON Group
- Hardware design, PCB check, prototypes assembly of Universal 2000, a pressure meter unit for car‘s wheels - Requirement analysis, software design and implementation of Universal 2000 - PCB design of a safety barrier
Educational background for Pier Giacomo Querio Gianetto
- Current 16 years and 6 months, since Sep 2008
Computer Science Engineering
Politecnico di Torino
- 2 years and 10 months, Sep 1985 - Jun 1988
Electronic and Computer Science
Centro per le tecnologie informatiche "C.Ghiglieno"
Analog electronics Digital electronics Controlling Microcontroller Computer Science Mathematics
First language
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