Piotr Nippe
Professional experience for Piotr Nippe
Software Development for the BMW Group Project by Reply Designed and developed the solutions for a web application used for automotive diagnostics Technologies: Typescript, Node.js, Angular, Material UI, Bootstrap, NgRX, Redux, REST, SignalR, Azure, C#, Azure Service Fabric, Docker, Entity Framework, MongoDB, Redis, Jenkins
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, MySQL, Swagger, Windows Services, RESTful API, TeamCity - Designed and developed scalable backend solutions using C# - Created and maintained RESTful API with Swagger documentation - Took ownership of an inoperative offshored codebase and refactored it into a functional and reliable system - Led a team of iOS developers in Agile/Scrum environment
Software house projects for various customers: - Frontend and Scrum master for an internal company projects (Angular) - Frontend for a German customer involved in mining industry (Angular) - Frontend for a German financial services company (Angular) - Backend for a British company involved in building industry (.Net, AWS) - Full Stack .NET for an internal Hicron project (.Net Core, Angular) - Full Stack for a German automobile manufacturer (.Net Core, Angular)
Development an e-commerce platform for genetic components and DNA sequencing tools Technologies: C#, T-SQL, Redis, GraphQL, Elasticsearch, Kafka, Entity Framework, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure Functions, Azure Service Bus, SonarQube, Kibana, Sitecore, xUnit, REST, JavaScript, VUE.js, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, DDD, TDD
- 11 months, Apr 2017 - Feb 2018
Regular .NET Software Developer
Getin Noble Bank
Technologies: C#, SQL Server, T-SQL, PostgreSQL, xUnit - Designing, developing and documenting applications in C# of 3 internal bank’s systems - Database management, migration and optimization using PostgreSQL and T-SQL
Technologies: PHP, Zend Framework (MVC), MySQL - Design and development of new software modules for the company’s Webshop - Database management, migration and optimization in MySQL
- 2 years and 1 month, Jun 2013 - Jun 2015
Regular .NET Software Developer
MP2 IQ Solutions
Technologies: C#, MySQL, NUnit - Design and development of new software modules for the MES system - Database management and optimization in MySQL - Direct contact with customers and delegations - Gathering requirements for the new projects and their implementation
- 7 months, Sep 2012 - Mar 2013
Junior .NET Software Developer
Koksztys Kancelaria Prawa Gospodarczego
Technologies: C#, T-SQL, NUnit - Developing and documenting applications in C# for the ERP system - Database management in SQL Server using T-SQL - Helpdesk
Educational background for Piotr Nippe
- 1 year and 5 months, Oct 2014 - Feb 2016
Computer Science
Wrocław University of Technology
Information Systems
- 4 years and 6 months, Oct 2009 - Mar 2014
Computer Science
Wrocław University of Technology
Engineer of IT
First language
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