Prashant Kadam
Professional experience for Prashant Kadam
• Software engineer offering 13 years in the IT industry with a focus on web application development • Extensive experience in designing, developing and implementing enterprise applications using JavaEE, Struts, Spring and Hibernate • Experience in Agile software development • Hands-on experience in developing REST based web services. • Excellent communication and inter-personal skills, a good team player • Proficient in both server side and UI development • Ability to lead and manage the team
- 5 years and 6 months, Sep 2007 - Feb 2013
Team lead
Persistent Systems Limited
Team lead responsible to manage team (technically) of 5-6 members.
- 1 year and 11 months, Nov 2005 - Sep 2007
Analyst Programmer
Syntel Ltd
Software engineer working on Java and related technologies.
Educational background for Prashant Kadam
- 4 years and 1 month, Jun 2000 - Jun 2004
Computer Science
Shivaji University
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