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Raheel Malik

Angestellt, Website Designer,



Professional experience for Raheel Malik

  • Current 3 years and 7 months, since Jul 2021

    Website Designer and Developer


    Hi there, I am working as senior website designer and developer at software house and freelancer, I have more than 3 years of experience in WordPress website designed and developed more than 300+ sites. As a Web designer and developer I use my creative and software engineering/programming skills to design, build and improve websites. I understand user experience and I am able to build websites that are easy to understand, navigate, and use, and adhere to design standards and specifications.

  • Current 3 years and 7 months, since Jul 2021

    Website Designer

    Hi there, I am working as Project Manager at software house and freelancer, I have more than 3 years of experience in WordPress website designed and developed more than 300+ sites. As a Web designer and developer I use my creative and software engineering/programming skills to design, build and improve websites. I understand user experience and I am able to build websites that are easy to understand, navigate, and use, and adhere to design standards and specifications.


  • English


  • Urdu


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