Rahul Sharma
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Professional experience for Rahul Sharma
- Current 3 years and 6 months, since Sep 2021
Business & Integration Architect Manager | Solution Architect
Accenture GmbH, Germany
- 6 months, Apr 2019 - Sep 2019
Project lead
Tumlare Software Service Pvt. ltd. (Kuoni Tumlare)
* Identify and analyze user requirements * Prioritize, assign and execute tasks throughout the software development life cycle * Design solution to work under distributed environment. * Implemented secured Microservices using Swagger, Spring boot, Maven and Auth0. * Review, test and debug team members’ code * Design database architecture * Schedule product releases with internal teams * Accountable for the successful operation and deliverable of the team.
- 7 years and 11 months, May 2011 - Mar 2019
Lead Engineer
Tumlare Corporation (Tumlare Software Services Pvt. Ltd.)
Wrote SQL Queries for persistence layer to interact with SQL Server. Prepared new class diagrams, Tech. Design documentation and impact analysis for new enhancements for existing applications. Analyzing the user stories, their feasibility, implementation and preparing software estimations based on the sprint schedule and complexity of the screens. Implemented Soap and REST bases Web Services to communicate with Vendor Application. Implemented Spring MVC Architecture.
- 3 years and 10 months, Oct 2007 - Jul 2011
Software Engineer
Tumlare Corporation (Tumlare Software Services Pvt. Ltd.)
Wrote Oracle PL/SQL Packages, Procedure, Functions , trigger and SQL queries Created design flow diagram and generate code using Aramaho framework. Prepared new class diagrams, Tech. Design documentation and impact analysis for new enhancements for existing applications. Analyzed user and system requirements Designed flowcharts to illustrate software solutions Developed user interfaces Designed database architecture
Educational background for Rahul Sharma
- 4 years, Jul 2002 - Jun 2006
Kurukshetra University
First language
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