Dipl.-Ing. Raimund Hübel
Professional experience for Raimund Hübel
- Current 4 years and 1 month, since Jan 2021
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
For a manufacturer of agrar-machines - Development of a web-app-frontend to calculate and compare the total cost of ownership of different machines of this customer and others. - Extension of a given web-app-frontend to provide customers some kind of driver-training. Tools: Angular 11, Typescript, Pug, HTML, (S)CSS
- Current 6 years and 2 months, since Dec 2018
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
For an animal insurance - Development of the Customer-Frontend & Backend incl. Database from scratch - Development of the Employee-Frontend & Backend incl. Database from scratch. Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Html, Pug, CSS/SCSS, Vue.js, NodeJS, Express.js, Mocha (Unit-Testing), SEO (Onpage), Jenkins, Datanalysis with KNime
- Current 11 years and 10 months, since Apr 2013Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
Softwareentwickler für Kunden-Projekte
Durchführung von verschieden Kundenprojekten (Inhouse) von Anfang (Requirement-Engineering) über Umsetzung (Implementierung) bis Ende (Wartung).
- 7 months, Jan 2021 - Jul 2021
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
Development of an Overview-Tool for tracking the production and performance of the farming of cocumbers for the wage accounting of the employees. Technologies: - Backend: HTTP-Backend in Nim (lang) - Frontend: Excel 2019
- 5 years and 6 months, Jun 2013 - Nov 2018
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
Developer of a system for electronic sow feeding (ESF). Projects: - Web-Frontend & Backend for managing the animals, feeding and configuring the hardware on an embedded linux system - Android-App for managing the feeding of sows including the reading of rfid-tags. - Parted on feeding-controlling on an embedded linux system Technologies: - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery, D3.js - Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, MQTT - Android-SDK/NDK, Java, SQlite, C/C++, RFID-Reader, Maven / Gradle
- 6 months, Apr 2018 - Sep 2018
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
Development of an converter for field-data from different federal states (with different formats) into a common file-format which can be imported into the database of the customer company Technologies: C#/.NET, NUnit, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, BackboneJS, Jenkins
- 1 year and 5 months, Jul 2016 - Nov 2017
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
Entwicklung einer Warenwirtschaftslösung für den Verkauf von landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen (Obst & Gemüse), sowie die Verwaltung von Landwirtschaftsmaschinen, Erntehelfern und der Lohnbuchhaltung. Technologien: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AngularJS (1.6), Jenkins, Unit & Integration-Testing
- 9 months, Nov 2013 - Jul 2014
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
Development of an protocol-converter (IEC 104 -> Modbus) on a small embedded-linux device (16MB flash), to connect local bio gas plants with energy provider companies to control the energy input into the electric energy network. Technologies: C++, Socket-Programming, RS485, Protocol: Modbus, Protocol: IEC 104, CMake, uLinux, Cross-Compiling
- 1 year, May 2013 - Apr 2014
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH
Development of an mobile app for managing sows in its different stadiums on a farm. Technologies: RhoMobile, Ruby, SQLite, Android, iPhone
- 6 months, Mar 2012 - Aug 2012
MDK Westfalen-Lippe
Lotus Notes, Lotus Script
- 1 year and 9 months, Jun 2010 - Feb 2012
Westfälische Provinzial Versicherung AG
Toolset: MS Access, VBA, COBOL
- 1 year and 7 months, Nov 2008 - May 2010
YACHT TECCON Engineering GmbH & Co. KG
Arbeit in Projekten bei Kunden vor Ort
- 1 year and 7 months, Nov 2008 - May 2010
Softwareentwickler [PROJEKT]
Kundenprojekt von YACHT TECCON for SIEMENS Energy
Implementation of a Tool to support engineers with the design of turbine-drafts, by automaticaly creating technical drawings of the turbines from some internal data formats. Toolset: C#, VB, Lua, Spring.NET, XML, UML, Visual Paradigm, AutoCAD
Educational background for Raimund Hübel
- 4 years and 6 months, Aug 2003 - Jan 2008
Technische Informatik
Fachhochschule Zittau/Görlitz
- 1 year and 11 months, Aug 2000 - Jun 2002
Bildungsinstitut für informationsverarbeitende Berufe (b.i.b.)
First language
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