Dr. Raimund Schwendner

Partner, Autor, Coach: Wachstum der Zukunft, Kreative Empathie, "Hochbegabte KI", Int. Academy for Sustainable Transformation (Think Tank)

Think Tank München Berlin Washington DC, Germany

About me

(1) Zert. Lehrender für Systemische Organisationsentwicklung & Supervision (SG) (2) Qualifikation von über 800 Coaches & Organisationsentwicklern (Europa, USA) (3) Capacity Building der Zukunft: Integration von Persönlichkeits-, Personal-, Organisations- und Technologie-Entwicklung (4) Führungs-Coaching im komplexen, paradoxen, chaotischen Umfeld (5) Transformation Profiler: Vom Greenwashing zur Führungsreife und... (6) Vom Return of Investment (ROI) zum Return of Sustainable Investment (ROSI) (7) Int. Coach für Strategie-Entfaltung: MDGs, SDGs im Auftrag der GIZ, EU, UN und Weltbank für Afrika, Asien, Europa, Russland, USA (8) Urban Leadership: Nachhaltige Transformation der Stadtentwicklung (9) Referent für Virtuelle Verhaltenstherapie, Mediation & Coaching: Design und Integration einer unterstützenden "Artificial Ingeniosity" (10) Referent der Justiz: Ausbildung von Richtern, Güte-Richtern und Mediatoren auf Europäischer Ebene für Systemische Konfliktlösungen & Krisenprävention


Sustainable Systems Thinking
Strategische Mediation
"Extreme" Executive Coaching
Critical Incident Coaching
Urban Lead
Corporate Health 4.0
Problem-Solving Leadership
Systemic-Agile Leadership
Engagierte Gelassenheit
Rapid Sustainable Turnaround
Artificial Ingeniosity


Professional experience for Raimund Schwendner

  • Current 13 years, since 2012

    Autor, Coach: Konflikte wirksam lösen - Systemisches Arbeiten mit Organisationen

    Int. Academy for Sustainable Transformation (Think Tank)

  • Current 19 years, since 2006

    Autor, Coach: Wachstum der Zukunft, Kreative Empathie, "Hochbegabte KI"

    Int. Academy for Sustainable Transformation (Think Tank)

  • Current 33 years and 3 months, since Oct 1991

    Zertif. Lehrender für Systemische Organisationsentwicklung & Supervision (SG)

    istob Institut für Systemische Organisationsberatung I Management Akademie

  • 2002 - 2024

    Autor, Coach: High Value Management - Innovatives Lernen, Coachen, Führen

    Int. Academy for Sustainable Transformation (Think Tank)

  • 5 years and 3 months, Aug 2014 - Oct 2019

    Epicenter of Entrepreneurship Learning, Member

    Stanford University USA

  • 2006 - 2011

    Capacity Building der Zukunft - Innovatives Lernen, Coachen, Führen


  • 11 years, Oct 1991 - Sep 2002

    Visiting (Adjunct) Professor


    International School for General Management (ISGM) Rensselaer Polytechnic University USA, LMU Munich, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg - Sustainable Innovation Strategies I Personell Development I Organizational Development I International Sustainable Ressource Management I Systems Coaching

Educational background for Raimund Schwendner

  • 5 years and 7 months, 1982 - Jul 1987

    Behavioral and Organisational Psychology I Clinical Psychology I Communication Science

    Max-Planck-Institute, Univ. of Munich, Univ. of Cologne

    Psychology: Corporate Health 4.0, Interaction of Systemic and Behavioral Methodologies Communication: Professional Virtual Interaction, Sustainable "Intelligent" Economics


  • German

    First language

  • English



learning from nature
global think tanks for sustainable solutions
music & management
excellent writing and editing skills

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