Dr. Raphael Romeikat
Professional experience for Raphael Romeikat
- Current 6 years and 5 months, since Oct 2018MHP – A Porsche Company
Solution Architect @ MHPLab Berlin
Developing cloud-native building blocks and solutions for productive use. Taking responsibility for scalable architecture designs and DevOps processes. Managing product releases with agile development teams in an innovation lab setting.
Developed web-based Enterprise Information Systems in projects with medium and large companies. Managed releases and led development teams. Contributed to the platform and established high quality and performance standards.
- 6 years and 11 months, Feb 2006 - Dec 2012
Research Associate
University of Augsburg
Designed algorithms for self-organizing networks with Nokia Siemens Networks. Developed a simulation system with an international team of experts. Presented research results at international conferences.
- 5 months, Nov 2004 - Mar 2005
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Ltd.
Managed releases of the corporate Web CMS and intranet platform. Communicated with testers and users from different countries. Took charge of first and second level support.
Administrated the corporate website and took responsibility for various web shop channels.
Educational background for Raphael Romeikat
- 6 years and 11 months, Feb 2006 - Dec 2012
Applied Computer Science
University of Augsburg
Conducted interdisciplinary research projects and presented results at international conferences. Provided mentoring for students and held lectures. Published twelve papers and two books. Received my PhD (magna cum laude).
- 5 years and 4 months, Oct 2000 - Jan 2006
Applied Computer Science
University of Augsburg
Studied software engineering, databases, and information theory with a minor in economics. Member of the student council. Received my Dipl-Inf. (GPA: A) and a Google Summer of Code stipend.
First language
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