Rizwan Zahid
Professional experience for Rizwan Zahid
- Current 10 years and 10 months, since May 2014
Managing Director
- Current 16 years and 2 months, since 2009
Managing Director SEO / SEM Consultant
eLink Solutions
Managing the Team and activities of SEO, SEM, PPC, Link Building, Social Media Marketing, SEO Content Writing, Competitors SEO Analysis, Define the task.
- Current 17 years and 9 months, since Jun 2007
Managing the Search Engine Marketing company
- 1 year and 3 months, Mar 2008 - May 2009
SEO / SEM Manager
Title Development
1) SEO and PPC Enquiry Handle 2) Website SEO Analysis & Proposal 3) Online Business Research 4) Online Campaign Manage 5) Employee Training 6) Online Business Promotion
- 1 year and 3 months, Feb 2007 - Apr 2008
SEO / SEM Executive
1. SEO Team Lead 2. Web Site SEO Analysis & Proposal 3. Online Business Research 4. SEM / SEO Training 5. Online Business Promotion
- 3 years and 8 months, Sep 2004 - Apr 2008
SEO Consultant
1. Web Development 2. Websites Management 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 4. Affiliate Management 5. Online advertising, PPC 6. Email Marketing
Educational background for Rizwan Zahid
- 2 years and 8 months, Oct 2001 - May 2004
Computer Science
University of Agriculture Faisalabad- UAF
Advanced Programming, System Analysis And Design, eMarketing Numerical Analysis Java, Dot Net
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