Robert Reiz
Professional experience for Robert Reiz
- Current 4 years and 11 months, since Apr 2020
VersionEye GmbH
- 6 years, Dec 2011 - Nov 2017
VersionEye GmbH
Suchmaschine für Software Bibliotheken. Folge deinen Software Bibliotheken und erhalte E-Mail Benachrichtigungen sobald eine neue Version erscheint.
- 5 months, Jun 2011 - Oct 2011
Managing Director
- 9 months, Oct 2010 - Jun 2011
Chief Architekt Officer
Zeitgeist@Work GmbH
Responsible for the internet portal development in San Francisco by Zeitgeist@Work / WildGigs. Zeitgeist@Work and WildGigs belongs to the Reutax AG.
At the beginning of 2008 I launched and established the PLOIN GmbH out of my private assets. I acquired diverse clients from the public domain and conducted extensive software projects on a controlled price or hourly rate basis. The profit from the project business I used to develop my own product, a portal for centralized time tracking, project management and task management. In 2010 I sold the company to the Reutax AG at a profit.
I was the Trainer for several training courses in the java sector. For JavaServer Faces, the Spring-Framewor and Maven2.
- 1 year, Apr 2007 - Mar 2008
I was the Software Architect and Technical Lead for several big Web applications. The Software is still used by the fifth biggest energy supplier in Germany.
- 1 year and 3 months, Jan 2006 - Mar 2007
J2EE-Entwickler und Ausbilder
Scarus GmbH & Co. KG
I was responsible for the development of several java based Web applications. Additionally I was the Trainer for the students.
- 7 months, Apr 2005 - Oct 2005
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Labor für Betriebssysteme
- 2 years and 9 months, Apr 2002 - Dec 2004
Programmierung des Zeugnisverwaltungssystems (VisualBasic)
- 6 months, Oct 2003 - Mar 2004
Java-Developer (Swing, AWT)
Credis Informationstechnik GmbH
Nachhilfelehrer (Mathematik, EDV)
Educational background for Robert Reiz
- 2000 - 2005
Technik / Künstliche Intelligenz / KI / AI / Neuronale Netze
First language
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