Roberto Corbellini
Professional experience for Roberto Corbellini
- 2 years and 4 months, May 2022 - Aug 2024The LEGO Group
Regional Sr Marketing Innovation and Effectiveness Manager
Leading transformation projects at Western European level (incl. UK/I, FR, IB, IT, DE, NORDICS, BENELUX) to increase marketing effectiveness by optimising the marketing campaign planning process to allow for stronger cross channel integration, establishing a new way of experimenting marketing activities to boost insights generation and evolving the creative content production model to be more agile.
Owning EMEA go to market and activation plans for selected product lines at regional level; deploying Strategy and Portfolio to local BUs and supporting for selling in; tracking performance and developing mitigation ideas; sharing ongoing portfolio performance input into long term demand planning; providing strategic regional input into annual global portfolio development; delivering regionally specific campaigns; managingbudgets; briefing insights research and setting pricing directions.
Heading Brand Marketing strategy and execution for the Italian market, establishing and leading team of 5 brand managers, defining joint business plans with key partners, role modelling integrated ways of working with other functions locally and globally, deploying the brand/audience/portfolio priorities to the BU in collaboration with Head of marketing, recommending annual sales target per franchise
Driving and owning the Global communication strategy and execution (TVC, Print Ad, Website, Social, Pack design, Instore materials, Style guide); supervising and analyse business performance; leading product plan and P/L; supporting product development with insights liaising with designers; establishing strong connection with lead markets and deploying global strategy to local markets; preparing selling in materials.
Educational background for Roberto Corbellini
- 2 years and 4 months, Sep 2007 - Dec 2009
Marketing Management
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
First language
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