Roman Zolotarev
Professional experience for Roman Zolotarev
- Current 7 years and 11 months, since Apr 2017
Fullstack developer
- Current 9 years, since Mar 2016
Senior Java Developer
(DataArt) The Royal Bank of Scotland
I am working as external specialist in Royal Bank of Scotland. (projects: Digital Hub and Automation Onboarding). I participate in creating an application using microservices architecture. My responsibilities include maintaining and developing microservices architecture, preparing new environments and configuring new modules.
- 8 months, Aug 2015 - Mar 2016
Senior Java Developer
Luxoft Poland
Project SolarWind - Web Help Desk. Supported customers, refactoring of modules, programming, bug fixing and optimization code. Backend developer – Spring, Spring-LDAP, QueryDSL, JPA, Hibernate, DB analyze and improving performance.
- 8 months, Jan 2015 - Aug 2015
Java Developer
Hi-load Web and mobile application project Design of modules, programming, bug fixing, refactoring and optimization code. Support of deployment process and migration on new version of cabinet in others regions. Working with billing interfaces from Piter-Service (Billing operator) OpenApi and Has Services. Integrate corporate systems with Web SSO.
- 8 months, Apr 2014 - Nov 2014
Java Developer
Goverment Education Ministry
Hi-load Web application: http://eo.edu.ru Support applications, bug fixing. The mainly used frameworks: Spring MVC, Spring Security, Hibernate. Review code, update documentations, develope new feature.
- 7 years and 3 months, Mar 2007 - May 2014
My responsibilities was developing new features, refactoring, support and bug fixing in next projects: Hi-load internet-portal: http://www.wild-mistress.ru E-commerce project: http://wmshop.wild-mistress.ru • Design of modules,bug fixing, refactoring and optimization code. • The mainly used frameworks: Spring MVC, Spring Security, Hibernate, JAXB (xml). • Planning and creating application layer and business logic, design software structure. • Programming code, supporting, bug fixing.
Educational background for Roman Zolotarev
- 4 years, Sep 1993 - Aug 1997
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Computers, networks
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