Rubèn Suet
Professional experience for Rubèn Suet
- Current 1 year and 7 months, since Aug 2023
Freelance IT Consultant
Ruben Suet
- React with TS - Angular with RXJS - NestJS - Graphql with Apollo - React Native with TS - Testing libraries (Jest, Mocha) - DB Management with SQL, applying Prisma as ORM - Docker & K8s
- 1 year and 10 months, Nov 2017 - Aug 2019
Web Developer
XING Events GmbH
Fullstack role: Ruby on rails with React. worked with ERB template engines and vanilla javascript. Rest calls and Apollo for the frontend. Both implementations for the backend and consuming it in frontend. async jobs with rabbitMQ( AMQP ). Deployments in docker and kubernetes. testing in Rspec, enzyme and testing library.
- 1 year and 3 months, Sep 2016 - Nov 2017
Ruby on Rails Developer
"Become a web developer in 9 weeks" - LeWagon Slogan Turning into one of the most famous in Europe, LeWagon bootcamp is an intensive 9 week code academy based out of Paris, France. The bootcamp is targeted towards entrepreneurs who wish to realize their ideas in the form of a web application. Topics covered include programming with Ruby, OOP, SQL database and ORM, Front-end, and project development using Ruby on Rails.
- 3 years and 1 month, Nov 2014 - Nov 2017
Rubèn Suet
CURRENT STACK: - React Js with Redux state management, React native, Ruby, and some small projects with NodeJs working with Express and Meteor. Right now I'm working with the startup Daysk, as a React Developer. As well I'm releasing a react native app for a French customer and I built some websites with React/Redux.
Page Personnel is acknowledged as one of the leading recruitment companiesfor IT, with a team of specialist consultants based in offices throughout Spain. - IT Recruitment: Job Analysis, curricular riddle, finding candidates, conducting telephone and personal interviews with candidates, language tests, references gathering. Expert in the research and selection of technical profiles.
Working on IT Profiles: · IT: Development, Sysadmin, Helpdesk, Big Data, Devops, DBA, PM junior, among others.
- 10 months, Apr 2014 - Jan 2015
Web Developer
My time in Spacebits as an internship helped me to update my technical knowledges about web developer and try out on the team work in the enterprise. Working in PHP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT , JQUERY.
Educational background for Rubèn Suet
- Current 8 years and 6 months, since Sep 2016
Computer Engineering
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- 3 years and 9 months, Sep 2011 - May 2015
Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona
- 3 years and 10 months, Sep 2007 - Jun 2011
Computer Science
Institut Lacetania
First language
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