Rüdiger Spies
Professional experience for Rüdiger Spies
- Current 3 years and 4 months, since Nov 2021BARC - Business Application Research Center
Industry Analyst // Research Fellow
Industry Analyst
- Current 11 years and 3 months, since Dec 2013
Patentanwalt, LL.M. // Founder und Partner LifeTech IP
LifeTech IP
Als Patentanwalt berate ich Mandanten in allen Bereichen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes insbesondere in High-tech-Bereichen wir IT, Communications, Robotocs, Software, Artificial Intelligence, Quantencomputing und ähnlich. Als Industry Analyst setze ich meine 1998 begonnen Tätigkeit als Industry Analyst fort und bin dabei auf den folgenden Feldern aktiv: Enterprise Software, IT-Strategie, Digital Transformation, AI und Business Intelligence/Analytics, IoT, Cloud, Security, QuantumComputing und mehr.
- 3 years, Sep 2018 - Aug 2021
Industry Analyst
CRISP Research
CRISP Research --> Industry Analyst for Enterprise Application and Infrstructure as well as related Software Markets and related technologies
- 5 years and 3 months, Jul 2013 - Sep 2018
Ind. Vice President Software Markets
CXP Group / PAC
Industry Analyst for Software Markets, mainly Enterprise Software like Eextended ERP, CRM and the like - BI/BA and Big Data as well as Content Management; additionally related infrastruktures like Cloud System (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS), and hardware and software architectures; moreover, Open Source as well as Intellectual Property Management
- 6 years and 5 months, Aug 2007 - Dec 2013Dilg, Haeusler, Schindelmann Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
IP-rechtliche Beratung von eigenen Mandanten und Mandanten der Kanzlei
- 6 years and 2 months, Jan 2007 - Feb 2013
Patentanwalt und IDC: Ind. VP Enterprise Apps
Patentanwalt UND IDC Inc.
- 3 years and 1 month, Jul 2004 - Jul 2007
Meissner Bolte und Partner
Ausbildung zum patentanwalt
- 2 years and 3 months, May 2002 - Jul 2004
Vice President Enterprise Applications
META Group Inc. (today Gartner Group Inc.)
consult G2000 enterprises C-Level (and a level below) regarding industry trends as well as strat-up and grown-up IT companies
- 8 months, Sep 2001 - Apr 2002
Director Telecom Industries
EDS and A.T.Kearney
- 3 years and 8 months, Jan 1998 - Aug 2001
Senior Int'l Industry Analyst
META Group Inc. (today Gartner group)
Industry Analysts build the top of the consulting pyramide - client are C-level (als a line below) of G2000 enterprises as well as start-up and grown-up IT vendors
Business Unit Manager New Media
Informix Central and Eastern Europe
European Program Manager Application SW
IBM Europe
Manager UNIX Application SW
IBM Germany
GEI - heute T-Systems
Educational background for Rüdiger Spies
- 2012 - 2012
Intellectuel Property and Management
CEIPI - Centre d'Études Int'L de la Propriéte Intellectuelle, Strasbourg, F
Das Studium fokussiert auf int'l gewerbl. Rechtsschutz (Patente, Marken, etc, sowie, Trade-Secrets, int'l Private Law, Licensing, etc.) und allg.Managementstrategien (Strategie, Entscheidungsfindung, IP-Bewertung, Innovationsmanagement, Institutional Economics, etc.)
- 2008 - 2009
European Patent Attorney
Europäisches und internationales Patentrecht
- 2 years, Jul 2004 - Jun 2006
Gewerblicher Rechtschutz
Fernuni Hagen und Bundespatentgericht
Gewerblicher Rechtschutz
angewandte Physik / Halbleiterphysik
Uni Hamburg, RWTH Aachen,
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