Ruta Dambrauskaite
Professional experience for Ruta Dambrauskaite
- Current 3 years and 6 months, since Sep 2021
Web Designer
- Website creation with Webflow & WordPress; - Flawless element behaviour on different devices (responsive design); - Front-end web development (HTML / CSS / JavaScript); - UI / UX design (wireframing and prototyping with Figma / Adobe XD); - Attention to detail; - Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator; - Project delivery in several languages (English, German, Spanish and Lithuanian); - Search engine optimization (SEO).
- 3 months, Jun 2023 - Aug 2023
Web Designer
Rheinblick Physio
- Website creation and development with Webflow, desktop mockups / prototypes provided by another designer; - Service pages creation with Webflow CMS; - Content management; - Configured the Website Cookie Banner free, optimised the website for SEO.
- 3 months, Apr 2023 - Jun 2023
Web Designer
- Website creation and development with Webflow, desktop mockups / prototypes provided by another designer; - Created dynamic wedding galleries CMS with Lightbox effect; - Content management; - Configured the Website Cookie Banner free, optimised the website for SEO.
- 5 months, Feb 2023 - Jun 2023
Web Designer
- Entire website design creation with Figma; - Website creation and development with Webflow; - E-Commerce functionality configuration; - Content management; - Optimised the website for SEO.
- 5 months, Feb 2023 - Jun 2023
Web Designer
Baraye Charity
- E-Shop creation with WordPress, according to a theme; - Content management; - Took care of all the plugins functionality, SEO, WooCommerce & DHL integration, as well as all the legal requirements.
- 2 months, Apr 2023 - May 2023
Web Designer
- Website creation and development with Webflow, according to already created Theme; - Created dynamic business photography galleries CMS with Lightbox effect; - Content management; - Configured the Website Cookie Banner free, optimised the website for SEO.
- Developed desktop mockup (using Figma) for MetaVerse landing page for E.ON - one of Europe's most prominent energy network and infrastructure operators - Designed a table demonstrating the difference between MetaVerse and 2D experience - Emphasized the events section to promote the next featured event and view past events - Simplified the accessibility of E.ON's other innovation tools
- Website creation and development with Webflow, desktop mockups / prototypes provided by another designer, but mobile design was done by me; - Configured the Website Cookie Banner free, optimised the website for SEO.
- Website design creation for a project of EWTC GmbH: Wireframes and mockups creation with Figma; Demo website creation with Webflow. - Website redesign (mockups creation) for ewtc.de with Figma.
- Media-compatible implementation of layouts for the individual webshops in the respective backend systems; - Implementation of homepage modules, landing pages, adaptation of the shop navigation; - Administration and maintenance of time-controlled content in the webshop backend; - Tracking implementation.
- Website development with Webflow; - Worked according to a desktop prototype created by another - designer, but had the freedom of creating the design and elements behaviour on mobile. - Configured free of charge uploading and storing files option (f.e. resumes) with Uploadcare. - Configured the Website Cookie Banner free, optimised the website for SEO.
- 9 months, Sep 2020 - May 2021
Web Designer / Web Developer
GTB Germany GmbH
- Redesigned and improved features of microsites template for Ford of Europe; - Took care of content management for 20+ microsites of Ford’s car models; - Uploaded press releases to media.ford.com, the main news portal for Ford of Europe; - Created newsletter design for Ford of Europe internal communication.
- Took care of ad widgets migration from Ligatus to Outbrain systems; - Created and designed ad widgets for global markets and new clients worldwide; - Solved integration problems.
- 2 years and 2 months, Feb 2017 - Mar 2019
Web Designer
Ligatus GmbH I Gruner + Jahr
- I was creating native ad widgets (perfectly fitting to unique website design); - I configured content recommendations and was providing technical support for the clients; - I worked with the biggest publishers in Europe (Zeit Online, Gruner + Jahr, Stern, Le Monde, Linternaute, Huffingtonpost, De Telegraaf, Mediahuis).
- 11 months, Dec 2015 - Oct 2016
Marketing Specialist / Web Designer / Front-End Developer
BlumenRiviera Gmbh
- Finalised the new website concept, rebuilt the website in a team of 4, took care of SEO. - I took care of the visual representation and CSS, as well as HTML for some pages (homepage, travel guide, parts of property pages, etc.). - Another project that I was entirely responsible for was CrossFit MUC (sports studio), I was creating website design and building it with WordPress, printing materials, video creation and editing, Facebook administration.
- 1 year, Dec 2014 - Nov 2015
Marketing Assistant
BlumenRiviera GmbH
- I was taking care of content restructure and management of travel agency's website - Managed content translations, reduced website urls by 80%. - Created mockups for the new relaunch of the website. - Took care of agency's Facebook page administration and posts creation. - Was responsible for print advertising, designed ads for newspapers.
Educational background for Ruta Dambrauskaite
- 6 months, Sep 2012 - Feb 2013
Advertising & Public Relations
Universidad de Murcia
Graphic Design, Digital Animation, Communication, Journalism
- 3 years and 11 months, Sep 2010 - Jul 2014
Vilnius University
Publishing, Graphic Design, Information Technology, Information Management, Advertising, Marketing
First language
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