Ryan Teksten
Professional experience for Ryan Teksten
- Current 15 years and 1 month, since Feb 2010
Managing Partner
Tabard Venture Capital
- Current 18 years and 2 months, since Jan 2007
Managing Principal
Tabard Advisory Group, LLC
- Current
Guest Lecturer
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
- 7 years and 1 month, Jul 2010 - Jul 2017
Director, Emerging Technology R&D
Fidelity Investments
• Evaluate emerging technologies and other innovations from startups, corporations, academics, governments, and independents. • Develop knowledge of impactful new products, services, and trends, and translate that information into actionable intelligence for Fidelity's business units. • Work with internal clients and FCAT researchers and developers to create future scenarios, specify and sponsor technology proofs of concepts, gather quantitative and qualitative data, and monitor weak signals.
- 1 year and 7 months, Jan 2009 - Jul 2010
Sr. Segment Lead, Commercial Segment
DigitalGlobe, Inc
• Leading strategic and hands-on operational activities responsible for driving DigitalGlobe's go-to-market product strategies for commercial services and products. • Identifying market segment target customers, market requirements, and unique defense service product needs while shaping the company’s role in the markets for imagery service. • Building market/competitive intelligence capability for domestic and international markets to assist in maintaining the leadership position for direct access to imager
- 9 months, May 2008 - Jan 2009
Lead Program Manager
DigitalGlobe, Inc
Organize and drive highly complex activities for the development, implementation, and maintenance of technical projects involving satellite systems, remotes sensing, imagery and content processing, internet and service oriented architectures, web enabled e-commerce and delivery. •Set deadlines, identify, obtain and track resource commitments and dependencies, drive issues and actions, monitor and mitigate risk, pro-actively manage and control project progress. •Identify needed resources (staff, hardware, an
- 13 years and 4 months, Jun 1995 - Sep 2008
US Army, various
- 5 years and 10 months, Jun 2002 - Mar 2008
Associate: Global Security Business
Booz Allen Hamilton
- 5 months, May 2001 - Sep 2001
Research Associate/ Guest Professor
US Army, Washington, DC, USA
US Army, Bad Aibling, Germany
US Army, Taegu, South Korea
Educational background for Ryan Teksten
- 1 year and 10 months, Aug 2000 - May 2002
Interanational Business, Economics, Technology Policy, and European Affairs
The Fletcher School at Tufts Univ
-European Union Accession of Eastern and Central European States -Telecommunications Regulation and Competition in the EU -Energy Regulation and Competition in the EU
- 2000 - 2002
Technology Policy and European Affairs
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
-Digital Divide -European Privacy Concerns -Telecommunications Policy -European Union Accession
- Current
Mathematical Economics
USMA at West Point, 1995,
Systems Engineering (Minor) Middle East Foreign Affairs
First language
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