STefan Mayer
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Professional experience for STefan Mayer
- Current 16 years and 4 months, since Nov 2008
CEO / Geschäftsführer
ColoBâle AG
- Current 23 years and 2 months, since 2002
Board Member
Giniality AG
- 4 years and 10 months, 2004 - Oct 2008
Account Manager, member of the executive staff
Zurich FInancial Services
Appointment as responsible Account Manager for the European Network Outsourcing by the CITO of the ZFS Group as part of the extended group IT Management team - Vendormanagement for outsourced Services (Equant) in 7 EU countries (CH, GE, UK, IT, SP, PT, AU) - Contractmanagement (total contract va
- 2 years and 2 months, Jan 1995 - Feb 1997
IT-Security Engineer
Swiss Bank Corporation
- 50% employment - Development and support of the UNIX and internet infrastructure for SBC and Systor AG. - Beta test of Solaris operation system parts. - Design of the worldwide SMTP backbone for SBC.
- 1 year, Jan 1994 - Dec 1994
System Engineer
Swiss Bank Coorporation
- Internship - Development and support of a standardised UNIX-workplace. - Design and build of the electronic archive. - Design and build of the first SBC firewall.
- 2 years, Jan 1992 - Dec 1993
Novartis AG
- Maintenance and development of the personal-, mission- and payment database of the fire department. - Instructor of Windows, WinWord, Excel and Charisma.
- 11 months, Aug 1990 - Jun 1991
Oettinger IMEX AG
- Installation and support of the UNIX-, Novell-, and Windows-Infrastructure. - Instructor of Windows, WinWord and Excel. - System programming of the VME Host.
Educational background for STefan Mayer
- 6 years and 1 month, Sep 1991 - Sep 1997
Computer Science
ETH Zurich
Intermediate semester writings: - Glycogen measurements of the calves by 13C Magnetresonancespektroscopy (Sport physiology) - Security in Java (Theoretic Computer Science / Cryptology) Diploma work: - Electronic Ballot Elections (Theoretic Computer Science / Cryptology)
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