Sanh Mai
Professional experience for Sanh Mai
- Current 3 years and 2 months, since Jan 2022
BIM Software Developer - Allplan Pythonparts - Custom plugins developer
ALLTO Software Development
Developing custom plugins/addins to manage the workflow of engineers which I believe will help structural engineers complete their tasks much easier, faster and reduce errors. Finding a way to integrate different BIM software together into one platform so whenever an engineer transfers a model from one software to another, all data and accuracy are still remained.
- Current 4 years and 6 months, since Sep 2020
BIM Software Developer - Structural Engineer - Allplan PythonParts
As the leading European vendor of open Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions, Allplan Software is used by structural engineers, civil engineers,architects, precast companies, rebar retailers... Allplan solutions are currently used by over 40,000 users in 20 different languages. Developing ALLPLAN PYTHONPARTS (tools/plugins/addons) to manage the workflow of engineers which I believe will help them complete their tasks much easier, faster and reduce errors.
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