Saqib Munawar
Professional experience for Saqib Munawar
- Current 4 years and 5 months, since Sep 2020
Service Manager
Holistic Technologies
As a Service Manager at Holistic Technologies, I oversee technical support, manage service delivery, and nurture client relationships. Collaborating across teams, I ensure seamless operations, effective communication, and continuous improvement. Proactively managing feedback and development projects, I meet evolving client needs while achieving budgeted targets. I also track key metrics, foster cross-training, ensure ISO best practices, and drive vendor partnerships.
- 5 years and 9 months, Jan 2015 - Sep 2020
Service Engineer & Team Lead
Sharaf DG
Passionate about sales, experienced in leading service teams and operations, ensuring optimal performance. Highly motivated individual with a strong focus on providing high-level customer service, proficient in troubleshooting various platforms. Capable of managing tasks efficiently, prioritizing workload to meet objectives effectively, and communicating potential risks to customers. Proficient in installing and repairing computer hardware and software, including Apple products, providing technical support.
- 1 year and 6 months, May 2013 - Oct 2014
Quality Control Supervisor
Teletronix industries
Versatile IT professional offering comprehensive technology support for Macintosh, Windows, Software, Hardware, and Networking. Adept in providing single-point-of-service contact for customers, offering expertise in Macintosh, Windows, Software, Hardware, Networking. • Oversee and manage our ticketing system, from issue inception to resolution, ensuring timely and effective communication with customers. • Problem-solving mindset, with an ability to troubleshoot complex technical issues effectively.
Educational background for Saqib Munawar
- 2 years and 4 months, Sep 2012 - Dec 2014
Bachelor of Technology in Electronics
Superior University
- 3 years and 2 months, Jun 2009 - Jul 2012
Associate Engineering in Electronics
Poly Technical College
- 1 year and 2 months, Jun 2008 - Jul 2009
Jamil Grammar School
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