Sascha Badelt

Selbstständig, Investor in Residence, IE Business School

Madrid, Spanien

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

smart capital
business angel
private equity
market entry Spain
capital riesgo
Kontakte in Madrid und Hamburg. Lottery
performance marketing
Mobile Marketing
Contactos en Madrid y Hamburgo
online marketing
market entry Germany
Online Marketing
market entry Latin America


Berufserfahrung von Sascha Badelt

  • Bis heute 9 Jahre und 6 Monate, seit Feb. 2015

    Investor in Residence

    IE Business School

    Area31 (the entrepreneurship programme of IE) is offering students to present their projects to investors on site who challenge their business plans and models and help them to prepare for road shows and the IE-format Venture Lab and Venture Day.

  • Bis heute 9 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Jan. 2015

    CEO & Founder

    fasttrack network SL

    Accelerator for start-up companies in the seed phase specialized on online-marketing and e-commerce fasttrack is an accelerator for start-up companies in the seed phase. It offers smart capital, tech- and service-infrastructure as well as a marketing boost to accelerate new business ideas. fasttrack is one of the fastest growing incubators in Spain with 5-10 projects incubated at a time. Once the start-ups have demonstrated proof of concept, fasttrack involves institutional, strategic or angel investors.

  • Bis heute 11 Jahre und 11 Monate, seit Sep. 2012

    Co Founder

    Karpe Deal

    Specialized drop-shipping and e-commerce agency, helping retailers and merchants getting connected ensuring logistic services for both sides. Karpe Deal is now providing comprehensive services to the top European E-commerce players managing a turnover of 1 Million EUR / month with a growth rate of 10% MoM

  • Bis heute 17 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Juli 2007

    senior advisor

    Digital Assets Deployment (DAD)

    Advisor to the board specialized in seed investments. Investor

  • Bis heute 17 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit 2007

    Founder, Board Member

    Lotosystems Network SL (LOTONET)

    Exclusive digital distributor of Spains most famous lottery brand La Bruixa D'Or

  • Bis heute 18 Jahre und 11 Monate, seit Sep. 2005

    Founder, Board Member

    Digital Distribution Management SL

    Founder, Partner

  • 4 Jahre und 1 Monat, Jan. 2001 - Jan. 2005

    Managing Director

    Ventura24 SL

  • 11 Monate, März 2000 - Jan. 2001

    Business Developer

    Tipp24 AG

  • 1 Jahr und 10 Monate, Juni 1998 - März 2000

    Business Consultant

    Icon Medialab

Ausbildung von Sascha Badelt

  • ciencias politicas, economicas, political sciences, economics

    Universität Hamburg, Universidad de Sevilla


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