Seifeldin Shamseldin
Professional experience for Seifeldin Shamseldin
- Current 1 year and 1 month, since Feb 2024
Robotics & Automation Engineer
Technical University of Munich
1. Leading the migration from the ROS to the ROS2 framework, enhancing system robustness and performance. 2. Continuously developing and enhancing web interfaces that improve user interactions and system functionalities. 3. Developing use cases for autonomous driving, specifically with trailers, which involves complex algorithmic challenges and innovative engineering solutions.
- 2 months, Aug 2022 - Sep 2022
Embedded Software Engineer
Simply Smart IOT Solutions
During my internship, I had the opportunity to develop drivers for Nordic nRF52840 boards, which provided valuable hands-on experience in crafting efficient and robust drivers tailored to this specific platform. This experience not only deepened my understanding of embedded systems but also significantly expanded my skill set in the realm of Internet of Things (IoT) development, contributing to my overall growth and expertise in this rapidly evolving field.
Educational background for Seifeldin Shamseldin
- 4 months, Oct 2023 - Jan 2024
Bachelor's thesis "High Precision SLAM for logistic environments with Webpage"
Technical University of Munich
•Use diffrence SLAM techniques such as Cartographer, Extended Kalman Filter (sensor fusion between IMU, odom, and Lidar) and AMCL. •Utilize React to build an easy to use website that control the robot the speed and the navigation through the map and recieve the data from the robot
- Current 4 years and 6 months, since Sep 2020
Robotics, and Automation Engineer
German International University
First language
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