Sencer KASAP
Professional experience for Sencer KASAP
- Current 2 years, since Mar 2023
Regional Sales Manager
Turkish Airlines Technic
• Implemented Aircraft and Component Maintenance Sales strategies and recovered +$9.4m in 2023 • Lead Aircraft maintenance and Component Supply Program $450m in 2023 • Prepare agreements and negotiate • Managed contracts resulted in a 8% increase in revenue • Generated new leads and opportunities through networking • Established and maintained relationships with key stakeholders, increased 30% customer loyalty • Collaborated with cross-functional teams • Drafted and negotiated 5 complex contracts
- 1 year and 5 months, Nov 2021 - Mar 2023TÜV SÜD Auto Service GmbH - TÜV SÜD Gruppe
Commercial Manager
Mentored Sales and Purchasing activities to achieve $14.5m turnover Developed 80 new corporate Client and generated additional $800k annual turnover Generated additional $500k Revenue in Aviation Calibration Services Optimized inventory turnover under high inflation market and saved 42% of annual budget Implemented detailed cost analysis system and improved 23% profitability Recovered 35% of last 3 years lost Clients and maintained their loyalties Trained 3 colleagues in inside sales and operation
- 4 years and 1 month, Nov 2017 - Nov 2021
Sales Project Manager
Tosyalı Holding
• Developed 6 new international market and closed total $62 million additional Sales Revenue • Executed $112m over 40 Contracts to deliver 3 Continents • Pioneered corporate digital marketing strategy and launched 3 campaigns • Presented at 5 international exhibitions • Administered and participated $2 billion 28 international public procurement tenders bidding • Completed 8 qualification audits to International EPC & State Authorities • Mentored 4 junior colleagues in sales and project management
- 6 years and 1 month, Nov 2011 - Nov 2017
Sales Project Manager
Borusan Mannesmann
Managed international $450m single Supply Contract for TANAP Project Developed and managed $1.2 billion sales Contracts, collected payments Recovered 30% of missed Clients and generated $27 million additional Revenue Pioneered CRM infrastructure and launched 5 new digital campaigns Ensured and completed 18 International Client’s vendor qualifications Successfully participated 148 international tenders valued exceeding $100 billion Mentored 6 trainees and 3 colleagues in sales and contract management
- 3 years and 2 months, Oct 2008 - Nov 2011
Project Engineer
ASMAS Heavy Duty Machinery
• Planned and monitored 37 international contracts for production works (welding, machining, assembly) • Improved production plans for urgent new projects valued $4 million • Improved 27% production efficiency by planning and expediting of production activities • Improved allocations to save up to 12% material consumption • Participated at key user team for launching ERP and MRP system in SAP • Presented monthly the project execution reports to board of directors
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