Sigrun Junge
Professional experience for Sigrun Junge
- Current 3 years and 3 months, since Nov 2021SAP
Head of EMEA Field Marketing Experience, Sponsorships and Events
- Current 6 years and 3 months, since Nov 2018
Head of Brand Experience for Middle & Eastern Europe
As Head of Brand Experience Marketing responsible for the development and implementation of SAP’s brand and portfolio strategy in MEE focusing on delivering a perfect experience to our customers at every touch point in the customer journey. Inspiring SAP´s audiences to meet future business challenges with SAP being their trusted advisor and partner, ensuring their sustainable success and contribute to our joint purpose: to make the world run better and improve people´s life.
- Current 8 years and 9 months, since May 2016
Head of Brand & Experience Marketing EMEA & MEE
SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG
Advertising, Brand, Customer Storytelling, Sponsorships, 3D Experience & Design
- 3 years and 1 month, Apr 2013 - Apr 2016
Leitung Experience Marketing Mittel- und Osteuropa
SAP Deutschland AG & CO KG
Brand Management & Portfolio Marketing Onsite Experience (Corporate and Local Events) Sponsoring (Sports & Entertainment) Reference Marketing
Educational background for Sigrun Junge
- 5 years and 8 months, Oct 1983 - May 1989
Übersetzen und Dolmetschen
Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg
Spanisch 1. Fremdsprache, Englisch 2. Fremdsprache, Sachfach Jura, Fokus das Recht der Internationalen Organisationen. Zusätzliche Spezialisierung in der Übersetzung medizinischer Fachtexte
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